Emerald Fire...

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Hey little sombreros!
Hex here, second chapter here now.
Sorry about delay just had my beautiful little girl Freya.
Little pic up top so you can see her.
How cute right?

Also in next chapter I need an OC,
If you cuppy cakes want you can send me a quick profile and have yourselves in the story.
Up to you guys, not fussed either way.

Right then, thank you for your support.
And on with the show!


"TYLOS YOU HAVE TO FOCUS!" Nico cried out to the small Brown hair boy who had just made all the Demeter kids pissed. Causing 15 dancing flowered spring traps to snore is one thing that will get them riled.

"I'm trying!" Tylos grunted and crushed his eyelids together with such determination. Yet all in vain he concentrated far too hard causing a hand full of campers to collapse into a deep sleep.

"Alright mate, that's enough for today." Tylos looked down at his feet in major disappointment. Nico stepped over to Tylos as the deep sleeping campers were hauled away by the Demeter cabin.
"I'll never get this right will I?" Tylos said mournfully. Nico smiled deeply he remembered being like this little Morpheus boy, unable to see his own true power, trapped in a mind dripping with doubt and self-directed disappointment.

"I have faith that you'll learn soon, you just need more confidence and practice." Tylos looked up at Nico and grinned, he had a toothy smile most of which was caused but a large cyclops that had attacked his school and punched eight miles on him.

Poor lad.

Patting his shoulder he whispered, "Even the great Percy Jackson, couldn't control his powers too"
Tylos look up delighted, "Really?" Nico nodded "Oh yeah he exploded a toilet and made a giant water hand from a museum fountain" Little Tylos laughed, "Thank you Nico I'll practise and try harder next time."
Tylos ran towards dining pavilion, as Nico collected his discarded jacket.

"Any luck with Tylos?" Jason asked as he adjusted his golden framed glasses, Nico sighed "Almost he just has to be calm and not concentrate to the point he panics. How is Maria?"
Jason shrugged his shoulders as he said "She can't let go of her fear, lightning is easily one of a child's most common fear. Not easy to turn fear into power." Nico mummers in agreement.

"We'll just have too see then won't we?" Nico smiled, Jason chuckled in agreement. "Two years ago it took alot more to make you smile" Nico looked the Strawberry fields in the far distance as he muttered "I didn't have Leo two years ago." Jason nodded in approval, "Come on then I'll walk you to lover boys Bunker, he should be working by now.".

The boys headed towards The Bunker, Jason chatted eagerly about his idea of his and Pipers 3  year anniversary, "I wouldn't do the same you have for the last two. Be spontaneous Jason, show her what you really feel." Jason nodded excitedly, "I have a good plan too I was thinking-"


An explosion broke from in front of the boys, green Greek fire, bricks, cracked cement and smoke erupted like a volcano causing both boys to fly backwards through the air slamming hard against the ground. Ringing sounded in Nico's ears, everything looked hugely brighter and harshly distorted, the grass and trees burned with the green fire, from what Nico could gather everything within 20 feet was burning.
Nico looked around for any sign of Jason and he did.
Over by the large oak Jason lay unconscious facing the other way, he couldn't tell if he was hurt but he was breathing which was more than a relief. Nico tried to move towards him but his body was limp with shock. Nico twisted his head slightly as much as he could to see where the explosion came from. To his horror he recognised the cause almost immediately and croaked out his worst nightmare.

The Bunker had been torn apart, everything burned and was destroyed, yet Leo was fire proof against Greek fire... Wasn't he?

Nico heard pounding footsteps from the path on which they came, he once again shifted to see who was coming, hoping it would be his love.

"Nico! Jason!" it was Annabeth and Percy, "Get J-jason first I think h-he is bleeding." Annabeth obeyed and ran straight for Jason, Percy was right beside her helping her lift his celestial cousin.
"I help you skull man" said Tyson, lifting Nico into his large arms as if he weighed nothing at all.

"L-leo is h-he?" Nico never found out as his mind fell into unconsciousness.

So let me know about the OC,
It is short yes, but with Freya and life they'll be short and quicker, instead of long and takes forever.
Much better for everyone I think.

See you soon little duckies!

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