Anything To Find You.

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Hello toasties!
I'm back sorry it's been awhile :)
On with the show!



After seven days of playing plans and ideas through my mind. I was allowed to leave the infirmary, to which Chiron called a meeting.

I dressed and headed over without hesitation, finally we were going to find Leo.

Percy and Jason waited on the porch, when they spotted me they forced a smile.
"Hey Nico how are you felling?" Percy asked I nodded and he took it as I was well. "Jason you left before I did, did your head heal well?" He nodded rubbing his head where the ghost of a scar must have been. "Yeah, pretty well. We were just lucky we were far enough away from the blast imagine a few moment earlier" I shuddered and Percy shook his head, "Never think what if dude, it will mess with your head" he groaned as Jason shrugged.
"Shall we go in boys?" Hazel said behind us as she stepped up the porch, Frank followed suit smiling weakly at me, I smiled back.
"Yeah sure" Jason replied heading into the Big House.

Entering the main room a few had gathered around the large old ping pong table.
Clarisse sat at the head next to Chiron, Grover and Percy sat on the left and Jason, Hazel and Frank sat on the right.

I hesitated, I sat down at the end my fingers twiddling together with frantic nerves... Would they refuse to find him?

Chiron cleared his throat and looked at each of us in turn.
"Sadly we all know why we are here, The Bunker was blown apart with greek fire last week." He took a pause and continued.
"Reportedly Leo Valdez should have been inside, yet when the Apollo cabin searched the remains the door had been locked from the inside yet... Leo was not there." Chiron paused again, running his hand through his greying locks.
"Lord Hades has already confirmed that his soul has not entered his realm. Which places three questions..."
Chiron looked directly at me, "One, Who had access to camp and entered Bunker through a locked door?"
"Two, who would plant greek fire awaiting Nico's presence-"Wait you think it was a trap set for Nico?" Hazel interrupted in horror her eyes darting from me to Chiron. "Of course, everyone knows Nico and Leo are in love. To take one they would want to wipe out the other!" Frank stated, "If it had worked, Nico would be dead." Percy followed the thought his eyes looking furious. "He would be out of the way" Grover whispered gazing at me looking worried.
Chiron nodded in agreement, "Lastly three, Why go through so much trouble for one Demigod?" I frowned at his words, Leo was more than just a Demigod.

"Your looking at a powerful Demigod or God, only they could access the camp so easily".

Looking around at everyone I could tell they were think hard.

Grover spoke slowly as if he was uncertain.
"Someone could have done it out of revenge or hatred-"Or Jealousy?" Hazel interjected.

Jealousy? Who would be-
"Calypso" I growled, everyone looked in agreement. Chiron didn't look certain but said, "It would be worth asking her what she knows" I nodded, "Apollo will take you to her home, Jason will accompany you to Olympus, Percy too" We all stood making our way to the door. "Boys?" We looked back, "We will prepare for a full search of area's we can to help but Leo is relying on you. Do not fail."

We nodded in affirmation and headed out into the warm sun...

Leo my love... I will find you.


Nico? Nico!

Leo... I am so glad your alive!

Nico we haven't got time, I'm safe but I am not where you can get too. This place isn't easy to find!

What place? Who took you?

She did, my walking nightmare. I knew it was only a matter of time before she came back for me... I was a prize she couldn't let go of.

Come back for you?

Yes. Listen the night is coming I must wake!

What- Night what are you-

Be safe my Nico! Hurry!


Like whoa.
Sounds good?
If so I will see you in the next chapter!


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