Fear only me.

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Hello dudes!
Years later... And I am back.
With two daughters and I'm married.
Time has certainly passed but stories never age.



The brightness had dimmed and silence followed, I opened my eyes and sighed. Olympus was always incredible so full of life and magic yet the gods and muses eyed us oddly.

"Excuse me?" Jason said to the closest muse, She smiled sweetly at him "Yes?" Jason stepped forward "Gracious muse Thalia would you happen to know Calypso's recidence?" Thalia nodded her head and threw her comedy mask in the air. It turned into a fire ball "Follow" she chuckled softly, suddenly the fire ball shot down the main Street in a split second I bolted after it.
I wasn't going to look foolish in front of the gods by losing sight of the fiery guide.

We followed straight down the marble streets the guys struggling to keep up with me but I was desperate for answers.
Our guide stopped a few feet from a gleaming white mansion outside was a beautiful garden with glowing plants and butterflies of incredible colour. Each with glyphs on it wings in gold and silver, such a beautiful place to be.

"Yeah this is her home" Percy muttered, I had forgotten that Calypso had a past thing for Percy part of her curse I suspect.

"Should we knock?" Jason enquired, I nodded we should be careful how we proceeded even though I wanted to bang the down.
I stepped up the front door a large oak door with a gold handle.
I knocked hard the sound echoing down the street, I began to feel nervous not everyday you come to interrogate your boyfriend's ex who is also a powerful Titan.

The door swung open and standing in her immortal glory was Calypso her gentle greeting smile soon faded when she realised who stood at the door.

"Percy Jackson? Jason Grace?"
They nodded and thought oh gods this isn't going to go well.

Then she looked upon me.
"I'm afraid I don't know who you are but please come in"
She gestured for us to enter and we obliged I was slightly offended she didn't know who I was or maybe it was an act?

"Come sit by my hearth and join me for some tea" I looked at guys and they all looked as concerned as I.
But needed answers so I decided to play along.

Her home was incredible, majestic and peaceful. Vines wove around most of the furniture, the walls decorated in mosaics of different places one was a forest of large trees and an eary mist another showed a beautiful beach with a flower garden and what looked like a home in a cave.

We sat by her hearth as she busied herself making tea. When she was done she waved her hand and three tea cups filled to the brim the tea was deep red and smelled of pomegranate and rosehip.

"I hope you like it" Calypso smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.
Percy and Jason both took a sip by I didn't trust her so I left mine untouched.
"So what can I help you with?" She said softly sipping her tea, I opened my mouth to speak but Jason beat me to it.
"Lady Calypso, we wish to ask you questions on the disappearance of a demigod" Jason was far too polite considering I thought she was involved.

"Oh dear the poor thing, who is this demigod?" She looked so sincre that  I was starting to have doubts it was her.

"His name is Leo Valdez" Percy said slowly, Calypso dropped her cup and it smashed on the ground. The noise caused me to jump and grab the hilt of my sword but I withdrew my hand just as quickly.

"Leo... Is missing?" She looked at me horror covering her gentle face and I nodded.
"Tell me everything" she said sternly.
So I did to which I included the explosion and my dreams, Percy and Jason looked at me intently probably annoyed I hid my dreams from them.

When I had finished Calypso took a deep breath and studied me.
"Well I can see why you came to me first, a 'She' from Leo's past would be a direct link to me" Percy looked away, so what we accused her first what other lead did we have?

"But I'm not the only goddess Leo fell for" she said. Suddenly my gut screwed up I shouldn't be chilly jealous but I was.
"Think back Jason Grace. Your first quest on the road to defeating Gaia who made themselves a sworn enemy of Leo?"

Jason looked thoughtful, after a few moments his face read pure horror.
"No no not her..."
Calypso nodded I didn't understand, who did she mean?
"She was humiliated, cast out, rejected and defeated by Leo" Calypso whispered sadly "Anyone who would want him to feel this would be her. Especially if Di Angelo died in the explosion of his Bunker".

Percy shook his head "But she was punished by the gods no?" Calypso smiled sadly "She vanished after Leo destroyed Gaia no one could find her".

I still didn't understand.

"My husband can help you more"
Calypso smiled she collected the boys empty cups and took my cold tea away.

Be careful of her new husband he is really one you should fear...

"Who is your husband Calypso?" I asked but I felt I knew who it was.

Why Di Angelo.. don't you recognise me?
A voice slithered through my mind, fears I bared drifted like acid water and I closed my eyes in pain.

"To truly find Leo we must see through his fears, you have a strong bond with him." Calypso whispered.
I collapsed off my chair and hit the cold marble floor. My eyeslids felt heavy with the acid fears in my mind that now burned with the presence of the god.

Sleep little demigod through you we shall find the Bane Of Mother Earth. For I am Phobos and no one's fears are beyond me....

I updated!
No more halts let's keep fighting onward!
Hope everyone is being safe and my thoughts are with you all!


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