To see through another's eyes.

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Hey dudes!
How's it going?
All good? Good.
Let's go!


The ocean.

It's was all I could hear.
It was quiet the waves hitting the warm sand so peaceful.

It helped with the pain, the wounds of the nights before healing slowly but not easily rough and sore.
I felt the cold edge of the chains dig into my wrists causing me to wince when I moved, They were golden which usually indicates they are god made chains.


The cave floor was hard and covered in dried blood... My blood.
How long could I endure?

I shook my head, I had to endure.
She would not break me I would rather die.

I knew she had not gone, yet I believed I was safe. Yet I under estimated how much vengeance and hatred she would harbour for me.

"Ah Leo, you have woken" I didn't look I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of my bruised and cut face.

"I apologize for disturbing you my pet but the evening has arrived."

I shuddered knowing what would occur when the sunset.

"Why are doing this?" I whispered.
My eyes finally looking at her, my tormentor.

She laughed at me, her false polite tone showing me she was enjoying my pain and exhaustion.

"My dear Valdez... You took everything from me with Gaia ruling instead of the Olympians I would have had everything!"

She sighed restraining her angry calming herself from her outburst, she then began grinning a toxic grin.

"What better way to enact my vengeance upon the one who really ended it all?"

"Why don't you just kill me?" I whispered looking back down to my dried blood that pooled around me, she stepped closer to me her glass heels hitting the cave floor echoing slightly.
She gripped my chin and turned my head making me look into her dark brown eyes.

"Oh I will kill you but not yet. The power of this island protects you from death. For now" I felt only a little comfort from that but I knew there was no escaping the island with the sphere and I destroyed it.

"And besides Leo why would I kill you without an audience? I know a certain demigod who is dying to see you".

My heart clenched no she couldn't mean...
"He won't come for me, you won't touch him!" I yelled, her hand turned ferociously cold and I cried out.

"Oh that's exactly what he will do! He will come for you and he will watch as I snuff out your fire Valdez... Once and for all".

She let go of my face and stepped towards the mouth of the cave her black long hair flowing in the cool evening wind, dragging my chains behind her pulling me to my knees.

"But the evening is young Valdez and the chase begins."
My chains vanished as she did.

I knew what was coming and my adrenaline forced me to stand and grab the nearest object for a weapon. An old gardening hoe left behind when suddenly the hiss of monsters began around me and I ran towards the sea.

Nico, I love you.
I thought desperately as I ran.
Please by all the gods... Do not come for me.


I awoken suddenly shaking and shivering.
I felt the marble against me cold and hard, I heard him, I saw him, I felt him.

Tears slowly fell down my cheeks, Leo was going to be killed.

I could not let that happen.

I took a deep breath, thinking on his words...

I love you.
Do not come for me.

He loves me. That was the first time he said he loves me and I could barely contain myself.

"I'm sorry Leo" I whispered aloud as I sat up. "But I'm coming".

"Nico." I looked up to see Calypso smiling down at me her smile was understanding and motherly.

"I'm ok" I whispered as she pulled me from the floor, "Where are Percy and Jason?" Thy were no where to be seen. "Back at camp it's been a long time" Calypso gestured to the chair and I sat as she waved her hand over me. I felt better only slight but I didn't object.

"Tell me what you saw" she whispered as she sat beside me. I told her everything I saw.

"I saw who took him but I don't know her" it was driving me crazy.

"I know her" Calypso sighed, "She was the one who sent him to my island the first time." My heart stopped.

"You mean that was Khione?!"
I cried, I had heard of that she had don to him but I have never seen her.

"Yes and from what you have described... She has taken him there."

I shook my head frantically, "But only Leo has ever gone back to Oygiga. How will I get there?"

"You must go seek out the god who's blood runs in Leo's veins" Oh boy.

"You mean his father?" Calypso nodded. "I will send you to his workshop he will show you the way"

Calypso stood and walked towards the Hearth she grabbed a small satchel bag and held it out for me.

"Why are you helping me?" I blurted out I knew I was rude but I was really curious.

Calypso smiled again, "Leo is a Hero and wonderful guy." She placed the bag in my hands and whispered "He deserves to be loved" I looked at her gentle face and realized she knew about us... Even before we did.

I nodded to her an she gestured to her Hearth the warm and comforting flames dancing happily.

"Step in and find him. Bring him home."

"I promise" I whispered and strapped the bag on my shoulder.
Stepping into the fire it didn't burn it was cold.

"Good luck Nico Di Angelo."
Without a second to blink she waved her hands and I sunk beneath the flames.

I'm sorry Leo.
But I'm coming.

Almost there...

Later guys!

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