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I was running.
Gods know I couldn't run any faster without tripping but I couldn't let them catch me.
Not again.

I sprinted across the soft sand, it's weightlessness slowing me down, I heard the grunt and heavy breathing of my follower behind me fear encased me causing my breath to hitch and my hands begin to tremble.
Throwing myself under a broken tree I hid and held my breath, my heart raced with fear and terror. I couldn't get caught, not again... could I endure the torture?

Branches cracked above me, I refused to move in horror as a large black tar dripping claw reached down towards me.

I screwed my eyes shut, I could not bare to see it happen again as the claw gripped itself tightly around my throat. She spoke softly to me but her voice was filled with venomous poison.

My dear sweet Valdez... You should not have tried to run.



Trudging behind Jason, my mind drifted to the words Leo had spoken to me.
He had said she, it was helpful knowing our enemies gender but honestly a lot of girls have a vendetta against Valdez ... Especially Immortal ones.

"So Nico are you ready?".
I looked over towards the voice that had tore me from my thoughts, Percy had spoken obviously as he looked at me slightly puzzled.
"Sorry I was thinking, what did you say?"
Jason smiled sadly, he probably knew I was thinking of Leo.
Apollo rubbed his hands together grinning wildly at the boys.
"I can transport you to Olympus from here but that is all the power I can muster for now. With Zeus's punishment comes a massive lack in power, I would need to rest."
We all nodded in understanding and all held hands as Apollo chanted.
Then he stopped and smiled gingerly, he raised his hand.

"Oh and watch out for the new husband... He is definitely one you should... Fear."

Before we could ask what the Hades he meant... He clicked his fingers and we travelled through the air with the speed of a demon,
The air burned my eyes my skin felt like it was peeling away...

Missed me? ;)

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