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There are certain days when you just want to come home, put on your pajamas, and watch Netflix until midnight.

On these types of days, you know that Sherlock isn't going to leave you alone unless you talk to him. You always tell him that you're too tired to interact, but he can be very persistent.

While you're occupied with your favorite shows, Sherlock is busy doing the thing he hates; cooking. His reasoning is that if he does something sweet and unexpected, you'll change your mind and praise him for his efforts.

The first couple times worked perfectly. When you breathed the amazing aroma of buttermilk pancakes, you immediately abandoned Netflix to go compliment your thoughtful boyfriend.

After a while, though, you noticed what Sherlock's plans were and refused to fall for the adorably annoying ruse. So now, instead of cooking, he steals your laptop and hides it, forcing you to spend time with him. Usually it just makes you angry, but there are rare moments when you have fun together and end the day with a pillow fight.

Your boss is a huge jerk, so most weekends you're forced to work overtime. John hates it, because all he wants to do is spend his time with you.

Sometimes, if it's a Saturday and you're working, John will come visit you. He'll usually stand outside your window and keep tapping it until he catches your attention and you come outside. Each time he comes, you're excited to receive a box of chocolates and a bunch of sloppy kisses.

Your boyfriend is the best.

Although he can be kind of intense with other people, Moriarty is a pure gentleman around you. He treats you with respect and acts like you're the most important person in the universe. You honestly don't even know how to express how much he adores you.

But if you ever, for any reason, ignore your boyfriend, he goes into child mode. It's just, sometimes the way he acts is so disturbing that you don't want to be around him. How could such a sweet guy commit such horrible crimes? It's enough to make you feel sick.

So you ignore it.

However, Moriarty loves you and your attention way too much to just sit by and leave you alone. If you refuse to interact with him, he literally sits beside you and says your name until you answer him. Somehow, this childish tactic works. He's really too cute to ignore.

Greg is a super laid back boyfriend, and you're grateful for that. It's nice to just take some time for yourself when life gets too busy.

Most of the time, your boyfriend doesn't take it personally. He understands that you need your space, and he respects that.

Sometimes, though, he subtly makes it clear that he wants your attention. It's really sweet when this happens, because he lets you know in small, thoughtful ways. He'll look up corny jokes and write them out on a ton of notecards or buy food with your name engraved on top.

When he does these silly little things, you know it's time to give him some love.

Mycroft likes to make people think his heart is cold and dark, even around you. It's not often that he shows you any affection, but you're mostly okay with that. You understand his odd behaviors, and accept him for who he is.

But there are days, of course, when all you want is to be loved. If you press him about it, Mycroft just pushes you away more. You hate the feeling of rejection, especially from him. It makes you angry and unable to even look him in the eye.

Since you don't usually ignore him, Mycroft immediately senses the change. It's during these situations that he actually lets you see how much he loves you, and it's extremely hard to ignore. Even though you're still angry at him for being mean, his sweet kisses and apologies make up for it.

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