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You love Sherlock, but he honestly gets way too jealous way too easily. He's very possessive, and he doesn't tolerate other guys flirting with you. Ever.

One time, you were on Facebook and an old boyfriend from high school sent you a friend request. You'd been lazily looking at pictures of cats on Pinterest when you got the notification, and it made you gasp.

"Oh my gosh!" you laughed in bewilderment. According to his profile picture, your ex had decided to grow out his hair and his beard, making him look like a hippie. You grinned at your phone, trying to imagine how he looked while you were dating. "He looks so different now..." you muttered, shaking your head.

Sherlock glanced up from his current experiment, intrigued. "Who looks different?" he asked, taking off his goggles and walking over to you. You turned towards him and grinned.

"One of my old boyfriends from high school," you said, pointing at his profile and chuckling. "He doesn't even look like the same person anymore."

Sherlock frowned. "Are you going to block him?" he asked, leaning forward a bit.

"What?" you laughed, looking at him like he was crazy. "Why would I do that?"

"Because, he's not your boyfriend anymore," he stated simply, reaching out and clicking the delete button before you could object.

"Sherlock!" You stared up at him, your mouth open in shock. He just shrugged and walked back to his work table. You watched him for a moment before realizing what had just happened. "You're jealous!" you accused excitedly.

"He looks like a creeper," Sherlock huffed, annoyed. He pretended to fuss over some chemicals, failing to act uninterested. "I was just protecting your dignity."

You rolled your eyes, turning back to your phone. "Okay, whatever," you smirked. You just had to tell John about this.

John is usually pretty chill when other people show interest in you. He just lets them know that you're his and they leave you alone. There was this one time, though, where he totally lost it.

You'd been engaged for a few months, and John wanted to take you somewhere fun. Although you weren't really a drinker, you agreed to visit a pub to make him happy.

"I'm glad you finally decided to come, y/n," he smiled, squeezing your hand lightly. He'd taken you to one of his favorite bars, the Green Dragon, where a bunch of his buddies always met on Friday nights. "All the guys were starting to doubt my relationship status."

You giggled and rolled your eyes. "That doesn't mean you have to show me off to everyone," you insisted. All night he'd been dragging you around with him, letting his friends see that he was, in fact, engaged.

"But I love showing you off," he whispered into your ear, catching you off guard. You blushed when he kissed it lightly, not used to this affection in public. "You're perfect."

"Okay, I think I'll take a drink now," you said, pushing him away playfully. He just smirked, knowing the affect he had on you. He winked at you before walking away to buy your drink.

As you watched your boyfriend, you felt the presence of someone standing behind you. You turned to see a man, probably in his late thirties, leaning against your table and smiling.

"Hiya pretty gurl, wuz yer name?" he asked, his words slurred. You knew right away that he was drunk, and your heart beat faster nervously. You recognized him as one of John's friends, Sam.

"Um, I'm waiting for my boyfriend," you answered, pointing towards John. Sam ignored your hand and leaned forward, the alcohol on his breath strong and disgusting.

"Yer Jonny's gal, ain't ye," he hiccuped, stumbling forward and grabbing your waist to steady himself. This whole situation was mortifying, and you were afraid of what Sam was going to do to you. "Ow, my 'ead hurts," he complained, lifting your hand to his temple. It was burning up.

"I think you're sick, sir," you said, trying to push him away but failing. You felt like you were going to be sick.

"Hey!" someone said from behind. You breathed a sigh of relief, recognizing John's angry voice. "What are you doing to my fiancé, Sam?!"

You turned your head to look at John and smiled apologetically. "He's drunk."

"I can bloody well see that!" he growled, grabbing Sam's arm and yanking him away from you. Before you could intervene, John punched him hard in the face. He fell to the ground, knocked out.

"Are you alright?" John asked, rushing to you and kissing your forehead.

"I... yeah, I'm okay," you stuttered, staring down at an unconscious Sam. You lifted your eyes to John and smiled weakly. "But can we not do this again?"

i think i'm too used to writing oneshots... these ended up a lot longer than i'd planned.
also, i'd like to dedicate this update to FnchDrcy, who has commented on pretty much all of my chapters, and who hates grammar mistakes just as much as me😂 thanks again!

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