20 ≫ PETS

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You'd always wanted either a cat or dog, but with Sherlock, it was impossible to know how he'd react to other life forms in 221B. You asked him one time if he'd ever consider adopting an animal, and he seemed more surprised than opposed. Apparently he didn't know which animal you wanted more, so he decided to buy a cat and a dog as a surprise. You were ecstatic when Sherlock brought them home one day, and promised to let him name whichever one he wanted. He ended up naming the speckled brown cat Millie, and you picked Finn for the black lab. Thankfully the pair likes each other, or else you and Sherlock would go crazy.

John was the one pushing to get a pet, and you relented because he'd promised to let you pick and name it. You'd been skeptical at first, but after checking a bunch of websites advertising dogs for sale, you couldn't wait to choose one. You ended up adopting a german shepherd and border collie mix, who was about two years old. John was so excited to see her, that you let him name her after all. Her name is Cosette, and she's John's baby.

Jim isn't really a dog person. Or cat person for that matter... He prefers rodents, like mice and ferrets. There was no way on God's green earth that you'd ever consider buying mice, so you agreed on two guinea pigs. You named one Loki, because of her dark spots, and Jim named the other Thor, to go with yours. Their names don't really make sense anymore, since they kind of got together and have babies now...

Greg loves dogs, but disappointingly, you're allergic. He was pretty bummed about not being able to get the great dane he'd always wanted, and you felt terrible. So, you stopped at a pet store one day and bought a kitten for him, hoping he'd like it. You named him Gavin as a joke, because of his gray fur and resemblance to your boyfriend. Greg thought he was the cutest thing ever, and now you're the proud parents of a full grown cat.

As much as Mycroft protested in the beginning, you finally convinced him to  adopt a dog. Granted, he's a pug, your least favorite breed. But a dog is a dog, and you love him to death. Mycroft tries to pretend he doesn't care for it, but you know perfectly well that George (your dog) snuggles up with him every night and stays there until morning. He denies it, but you have it on video. Secretly, of course.

requested by FnchDrcy a couple chapters back. this was fun, thanks for giving me the idea!

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