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You were bored and really wanted to do something new with Sherlock. He refused to let you play with his hair, and he threatened to change the password on your phone when you asked to do his makeup.

After a lot of whining and complaining, he eventually agreed that you could paint his nails, but if and only if he could wipe away the filthy smelling liquid immediately, and I mean immediately, after you did it.

You painted each finger different, making his hands look like a happy lil rainbow.

You came home from the nail salon one Saturday and couldn't stop admiring how well the artists did. When John got home from work, all you could do was show them off to him over and over again.

It was maybe the tenth time that you'd muttered, "I just love them so much," when John finally let on that you were overreacting. You told him he was just jealous, and that if he had nails like yours he wouldn't shut up, either. He just laughed and told you there was no way he'd ever get excited over manicured fingers, which made you strike a bet with him. If you stopped talking about your nails for the rest of the night, John would have to let you paint his the next day.

He accepted your challenge, but unsurprisingly lost. You painted his nails a pale blue, and he had to keep them like that all day.

Moriarty doesn't care about looking different than everybody else, so when you asked if he'd let you paint his nails one day, he gladly accepted.

You let him pick the color, and it took him what seemed like hours to find the perfect one. He picked black, which made you roll your eyes, but at least he was excited.

He loved the job you did, and made you promise to do it again sometime.

When you asked Greg if you could paint his nails, he adamantly refused. If any of his work buddies – especially Donovan or Anderson – saw him with nail polish, he'd never hear the end of it.

You really wanted to paint them, though, so you came up with a compromise. If he wouldn't let you change their color, could you at least paint his nails clear? It took a bit of convincing, but he finally agreed, and you spent the next half hour giving him a colorless manicure.

Mycroft rarely ever lets people change anything about him or how he looks, but for you he keeps an open mind. If it were anyone else, he'd be untouchable.

The first time you asked to paint his nails, he was half asleep and half full of wine. He, of course, gave you permission without even knowing it. The next day you reminded him of his promise, and he tried to deny it. You swore upon your mother's grave that you were telling the truth, which finally convinced him that he had, in fact, agreed to let you paint his nails.

You chose a bright pink polish, and giggled the entire time.

do you paint your nails? i don't very often

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