my arm's dying cause i exercised for three hours straight yesterday oops

49 7 7

do you have a crush?

middle name?
it's mariah cause of mariah carey hehe

last time i went to the doctors so like a year ago they said i was 5'2

shoe size?
7½ or 8 in women

last time i cried?
um the day before yesterday??

biggest fear?
ummm abandonment, being alone, being forgotten, and being ignored are probably the biggest ones i have which have all happened so yay🙃

last song you listened to?
what in xxxtarnation by xxxtentacion like ten hours ago??

last person you texted?
my best friend dan cause they sent me a meme lol

favorite app?
wattpad i guess

tag five people.
Random_Otaku_Person hi danny
neowaves lol
saltysaltbox ;)))))

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