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my pe teacher just asked me when i'm gonna be ready to start participating in pe again and i told him that idk and he was like "i think ur taking advantage of this" like what the actual fuck. i'm not "taking advantage" of not being allowed to exercise. i'm literally NOT ALLOWED TO DO IT. it already makes me angry enough that i'm not allowed to participate and burn off all of the disgusting fat from my gross body, why the actual fuck would i take advantage of my doctor literally telling U that IM NOT ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY.

srry if i'm over reacting, but i'm actually rlly mad and abt to cry in class :( like i wish i could run and workout in the workout room, but i can't. i don't get why teachers don't get it. my doctor sent u a letter and now u have to listen to it.

❝barren❞ | spamWhere stories live. Discover now