Card Evolution and Amalgamation

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Evolution of cards in this game can go horribly wrong if not done right. Not a lot of people do research on how to do them correctly and just do everything as they please. well let me tell you something newbies!

i thought that evolution was very easy but it turns out it's not. You are just failing really hard on the game if you don't know how to evolve your cards properly. I learned the hard way. It happened to majority of the cards i used when i was playing as a newbie. and it's not pleasing once you realize it. especially when you get your first SR from an archwitch and it's limited edition then you fail to evolve them properly.

anyways, enough of that. here are some quick steps on how to evolve your cards PROPERLY. making mistakes is easy, so you better follow these steps. because once you evolve your card, you are DONE. you cannot go back, it's an irreversible mistake that can pretty much kill you once you realize it.

Also do remember that SOLDIER COUNT MATTERS! you will see the big difference on soldier count when you evolve a card with just lv. 1 cards and lv. 70 or 50 cards. sadly there's no other options to increase soldier count for maidens in this game at the moment.

Instructions for proper card evolution:

1. Browse your inventory and see what cards you have that has multiple copies. like 1, 2, 3 or 4 depending on how much you have. if you do, proceed to number 2.

2. Max the level of your cards. some people may find this ridiculous to do, but it's actually one of the correct things to do if you want a maiden with PERFECT EVOLUTION. for info on how to max your cards, see the next section. i will put up on a lot of information on how to max your cards in the most quick and efficient way.

3. if all your copies are at max level already, combine them and remember to ALWAYS, and i mean ALWAYS use ARCANA SUCCESSION. this thing gives cards the 5% bonus stats they need for you to reach their full potential, and of course it will be transferred to the final card after evolution. do not forget that, if you do, your card will be a fail evo regardless. Max level or not. you can buy arcana succession in the shop.


card amalgamation in this game is also weird. i noticed what i did wrong when i was participating in the Miracles of Medicine event. i didn't max all my copies of Eir before evolving them and so are the 5 full copies of Malady. I amalgamated and i ended up with Asclepius (which i thought was perfect). i thought it was okay, but when i saw the wikia, i did it wrong and i regret it. The perfect stats for my asclepius would have been like:

Atk: 7718

Def: 7777

Soldiers: 9106

and that's when i found out there's also such a thing called PERFECT AMALGAMATION in this game. so whenever nubee gives you limited enemies event with Amalgamation, do the correct steps as well. and i'll show you in just a second how.

* Max your card levels again before evolving them and use arcana succession. I already mentioned how so i don't need to repeat that. after maxing everything and used the arcana succession, go to the Amalgamation panel to combine. After that, WALLEY! you have your SR card with perfect stats, and perfect soldier count.

i know it's a lot of hard work, but the work is worth it. you will be rewarded for doing things right with your maidens. just remember to follow the steps i told you.

NEXT: How to make use of Slimes

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