How to Make Use of Slimes

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Slimes are gonna be your best friend in this game. They give out a shit ton of experience to max out your cards and they belong to the element called "fusion". the element color is orange. Slimes are not used in battle, they are more for fusion mumbo jumbo. I will give out some info on how you to max your cards using slimes. but first let me tell you the two kinds of slimes you will find in this game and how to obtain them. There is a new card now called Slime Queen but i always use the typical way of leveling stuff since you get these slimes a lot anyway.

* Slime (regular; N card)

Description and Availability: the color of this fab creature is green. and it's a normal card which can be obtained in Archwitch Rewards, Regular Summon, or can be exchanged with maiden tickets or mini games coins. Slimes cost about 12 maiden tickets, and for mini games coins they cost 1,200. i would say the best option for you to obtain them is try your luck on regular summon by burning friendship points or beat up archwitches until they give you slimes.

How to level a slime to 27: leveling a slime to 27 is important because this is actually the key way to max your cards. if a slime is lv 27, you are good to go with fusion. now to max a slime, you need to feed it x69 n cards, you can only use 10 normal cards per upgrade which cost gold. which means 10 x 6= 60 and 9 more to make it lv 27.

or the other option, feed it 10 cards and use arcana blessing and training twice and you'll get it to either exactly 27 or 28. the level of the slime doesn't matter whenever you are maxing a certain card. as long as the slime is on the range of 27-30. N cards can go for a max of lv 30.

* Metal Slime (R card)

probably the hardest fusion card to find in game. this creature gives you either MEDALS or experience the same way it does with regular slime. metal slime can also be obtained in Regular Summon, Premium Summon, Ultimate Summon, Archwitch Rewards and Sacred Relics.

How to level a Metal slime to 40: level 27 regular slime+ Arcana Blessing and training or just one of both. but i would recommend using both if you want a guaranteed maxed metal slime.

Amalgamation with Gold girl: Gold girl is the chick wearing a tin gold suit. she's also one of the fusion element. some people feed her to slime, but usually she's fused with metal slime to get MEDAL GIRL. Medal girl gives you 1,500 medals. I wouldn't recommend using her to feed to cards.

How to max the level of your cards:

finally the section everyone is craving to see. how to max your R /HR/ SR /HSR /UR /HUR. it's actually easy! and it's the most rewarding part. here are the formulas (at least the ones that i use.):

Lv 1-40: lv 27 slime + arcana blessing or training

Lv 1-50: lv 27 slime + arcana blessing and training

Lv 1-60: x2 lv 27 slime +arcana blessing and training

Lv 1-70: lv 40 metal slime+ arcana blessing and training

Lv 1-80: x2 Lv 40 metal slime+ arcana blessing and training OR lv 40 metal slime+lv27 slime+arcana blessing and training

Next: Arcanas and what are their uses

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