Becoming an Archwitch/ Fantasy Archwitch Killer

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One of the hardest things to accomplish in the game. it will make your gaming life in valkyrie way easier if you are a killer and not a sender. you rank high, and you get these nice rewards. how does one
become a true FAWK/ AWK?

1. Gather cards that are HSR/HUR for starters. the current meta recommends GSR/GUR pairings for more efficient killing. make sure all of them are maxed on stats, levels and skill is at least lv 10. you can use sr's at rare occasions but they have to be maxed out as well in terms of skills, levels and stats. i already talked about in the previous pages on how to max a card's stats and levels and what are the max stats. To max a skill, consult the wikia for it, i put up the website for the vc wiki on the front page.

2. sufficient unit cost. 310 is a good start for an aw team for starters. you wanna fit all 5 HSR as much as possible or one or two HUR at least on your team. If you have insufficient, buy a deck cost limit +50 at the shop which costs 300 jewels. Do take note i save the gems on the 100 gem-a day give away and 300 gems in the end events that they hold. Or the weekly login bonus. They give away 100 free jewels every week or sometimes 200. I absolutely spent no cash on it for effort on getting it. But i would recommend getting it until you have at least a unit cost of 257 with 3 barracks levels 8,7 and 6.

3. Purchase a magic school and upgrade it to lv 2, whichever. I didn't buy jewels, but back in the past they held a sale before that it only cost me 250 gems (half the price of original cost which is 500) to buy it along with the 100-300 gem give away. Magic school is needed to become an awk and jewels are needed to upgrade. No waiting time required :) the school also gives you additional bp. In the current meta, it is recommended to max the magic school. More encounters equal to higher drop rate. It all depends on your RNG luck.

4. Buy Yggdrasils. These magic trees increase bp by 1. You need those, its not mandatory but recommended if you want to hunt like crazy. A lot of bp is needed if you want to fight more aws.

5. If you wanna be a straight out free player without spending cash, SAVE YOUR JEWELS. DO NOT USE THEM ON PREMIUM SUMMONS OR STEP UP SUMMONS UNLESS YOU KNOW YOU ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED. Like a lv 10 magic school, and 3 yggdrasils.


this is very important. if you want a real aw / faw team, follow these suggestions i have below on what to add to your team unit:

* Team Attack buffers are needed like Polaris, Lilim, Himiko, Auxo, Asherah, Starlight or Chainsaw Girl. whichever you think is best for you. Elemental buffers are also welcome. Minimum is 200% atk up. i wouldn't recommend Uriel, cause she works battle start and its a pain if you really want her to proc. if she doesn't, she's a useless aw bait while you kill it. you need to have at least a minimum of 2 atk buffers in a team. why? because the buffs do stack. if your cards are maxed and you have ex: 800% atk buff, you can hit the 999,999 mark of dmg that you can deal to an archwitch/fantasy archwitch.

* Self atk buffers like Empress Doll, Cu Chulainn, Nicola, etc. they give themselves 300% which stacks with 2 other buffs. so just by regular hits, if your stats are maxed, you can hit 999,999 as well. probably lower if your element doesnt coincide with the enemy element. but you will hit hard for sure, making kills easier. you receive higher subdue pts as well.

* Critical hit cards. this one is real good when maxed. can easily hit 999,999. most wanted cards are Snow white and Scylla since they're crit skills but unlimited proc. Oracle Ascendant (GUR) is good too since she hits harder, and her soldier count is way superior.

* Random atk buffers like Lilim or Amaterasu. be careful with them though, not always they will choose the card what you want. sometimes it could be a card you don't want to have the buff on.

NOTE: you might need a stronger team than just HSR/HUR with Fantasy Archwitches. You may need a all maxed stat and skill HUR team with the same format like above or 3-4 HUR with a couple of HSR thrown in. The current meta of the game recommends GSR/GUR teams for FAW killers. but the decision is still up to you :)

if you keep these in mind, you are all set to become an archwitch/ fantasy archwitch killer. happy hunting, ranking and zombie-ing to you if you do become one.

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