New day, new school

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A/n- hello I am sydnie and this is my bad story that no one will read here we go

Ok it was a new day at a new school. Time to make new friends. I don't even know if they will like me, but I'll try. I walk into school with my black jeans that just fit around my legs, a red plaid flannel shirt and a black Nike back pack. So far no one even notices me and I'm glad. Out of nowhere a girl in a pink dress with too much makeup speaks up "oh, hey aren't you the new kid?" She says with a smirk "um, yea I came from..." she cuts me off before I can answer "you're hot, you should come to the party tonight at my house" she says a little too confident "uh I'll have to pass on that" I start to walk away "and I'm not into your...type" I shout back after her. I smirk as I look back and she's frowning. I make my way to the office and talk to the principal and then go to class.

(-time skip to after class-)
I walk over to my locker number 56 and shove my books in. Suddenly I hear "hey penis Parker, I just want to say.." and then suddenly SMACK!! He punched "penis Parker" in the stomach "hey!" I yell at the tall ripped boy In front of me feeling kind of intimidated "hey Parker, looks like you got a new bodyguard" the boy says sarcastically. I look over at Parker and he looks annoyed. He's wearing a white t-shirt with a brown jacket overtop and simple brown pants "you know I'm right here, leave him alone" I snap back "cmon flash lets go" then flash and his group leave. I hold out my hand and Parker takes it kindly. I heave him up and look at the tiles on the ground embarrassed. 'He's cute' I think. "Hey thanks" he says kind of apologetically " problem" I stutter "I'm peter" he reaches out his hand to shake and I accept it "I'm y/n". And then it turns out we have a few classes together and we talked a lot. Then I went home. at least I Made a new friend.

A/n so yea first thing sorry it's short but yea

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