Birthday pt2

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~(last time)~
I arrive I knock on the door and it's opened to darkness suddenly "SURPRISE!!" I heard multiple voices say....

I just stand there star struck feeling happy, excited and like my fanboy mode had just activated "OMG!" I pretty much screamed, and that's all my voice could handle. My head was crazy full of thoughts and thinking of different things to say, I just stood there for a few seconds starring in disbelief that THE AVENGERS where all at my birthday. Peter and aunt may where standing there smiling at me. I sprinted up to peter and tackled him and whispered a bunch of "thank you" and "fuck you". After that I walked up to the guests and we meet and shook hands first with Tony than with Steve and on and on. The best one was Bucky I TOUCHED HIS METAL ARM. Instantly I looked at the food all glorious, then at the HUMUNGOUS pile of presents stacked in the corner. Most of the time I walked around admiring them and getting to know them better. Then stark came over... "hey kid, happy birthday" he greets while picking up a chip "so has peter told you about what's going to happen in the future?" He asked "w..what no?" I answered confused "oh, well when he is on missions you are allowed to hang out at the tower so you don't get Lonely" he said smiling "oh that's really cool" that's what i said is that all I had oh my god. He moved on to talk to Bruce and I went to May "thank you soo much!" I said while giving her a big hug "no problem, but you better thank peter too" she said and pushed me on. I walked up to peter and hugged him again "you asked me" he said smiling "thank you so much I can't believe it!" I thanked "open the presents dummy" he said and he instantly yelled "PRESENT TIME!!". Everyone gathered around like little kids looking for what's inside, as I push through the avengers I run to the biggest present and rip shreds into it. OMG it was a huge box full of really expensive clothes "who got this?" I asked calmly "uh me sir y/n" said Thor "thanks Thor" I said with a huge grin. I opened every other one most had clothes or other random things, then there was two left labeled OPEN AFTER. Tony was grinning so much and I realised he hadn't got me a present Aunt may realised as well "tony where is your present?" She asked, i stared at them both. His grin became a smirk "its outside" he said plainly. We all headed outside and I had to do it blind folded with Clint carrying me "this is dogey tony" I said "you will be great full" he said back. Suddenly I was put down and the blind fold was taken off to see...? "OMG A CAR!" I pretty much screamed. It was a black Ford Mustang with a red bow around it saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N". Next thing I know I almost blacked out...

To be continued...

A/n I know there is going to be three parts but idk what to write or how to write it so HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA rip I'm going crazy aren't I

Tom holland/spiderman x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now