Chapter 5

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Why are you being this way? Can't you just be a normal mate?

No, I can't. You know me, you know I don't like this shít.

But this time we can't do anything about it

Ugh, shut up. No one has the minimal idea to how much I despise the idea of depending on someone completely for your own happiness. thats stupid, you should be able to be happy by yourself, you don't need no one else to make yourself happy.

I was happy and everything was fine, until this guy made himself noticeable on top of every guy of the pack.

Once my feet touched the grass, my phone rang.

Are they ever leaving us alone?

I dont think so. I picked up my phone and checked the caller I.D.


Ugh I swear to The Goddess that if didn't have to, I wouldnt pick up.

"Yeah?" I said into the phone. The silence that I received from the other end was overwhelming. I wanted to hang up right there, and throw my phone to the other side of the lake so that no one could ever call me again.

"I heard the news"

Although he couldn't see me I rolled my eyes and bit my lip hard, just so no stupid words will come out fo my mouth anytime soon. I look around trying to see if there was someone listening to this conversation, you know how it is in pack houses, walls have ears. I noticed a few kids running and chasing each other a little to close to the lake, but thats fine, I'll keep an eye on them.

"So you are not going to say anything about it?"

I guess my silence answered him, because not a minute later he had already hanged the phone. I sigh left my lips, as I sat down basically in the middle of the field, and took a few breaths so that I could organize these ideas.

First off, I should talk to Mason and Hunter, I should call Lila, recalculate the budget for whats left of the month, give out a call to the Stardust Pack so they can finally give back the money they owe us, call the Tribal Pack to talk about the territory issue. The last one being the most important, so many fùcking mates make more pups, more pups need more space which I don't have right now and its driving me nuts, although I don't ever want to leave this place.

You are wrong. The most important one is for you to make time to go to Dave and Busters.

What if I don't want to go? I could just say that I'm too caught up in work or something, maybe that I'm not feeling well.

Shut up. You want to go.

Once again rolling my eyes to the back of my head, I decided to stand up and take a look around once again, noticing that the kids where no were to be seen, that a few mates were sitting on the border of the lake, opposite to where I was. I notice in between all the people sitting there, one was alone.

Go sit with him, if not because he's your mate, do it 'cause its his birthday.

I swear I hate you.

Just as I started walking there, someone grabbed my arm making me turn around.

"Hunter and Mason, who would have thought that you were together?" I muttered, while taking my hand away from Hunter's hands. Mason's grin widen, he looked over at Hunter signaled him something that I couldn't make out, but before I knew it I was pulled to the floor forcing me to sit on my knees while this two suckers talk.

Ugh, you always spend your time with them, you can leave them for today, we just found our mate they would understand.

No I can't leave them, I'm not explaining them the situation, and also we all now that if I just left they wont be taking it lightly. I could feel her getting super annoyed with me but theres nothing I can do about it, nor I want to.

"So Hunter and I were thinking that you should come with us to our anniversary dinner next week" Mason said, smiling and stealing a glance over to hunter who just nodded with another weird smile on his face. Oh no, I dont want to go, last time they made me sit alone on a table with one of Hunters friends, the while night consisted on him just trying to get me to like him, obviously he failed.

"No Mason, I'm not going"

Mason and Hunter laughed. "You have to come, you have no idea how hot Beau is, and besides, you seriously need to get laid, you are making me stressed just by sitting here"

When he said that I notice how my right leg hadn't stopped moving since I sat down.

"I'm not going"

Mason's smile disappeared. "Why not?" Hunter stepped in. Hunter is usually more angry than Mason, he is more like the sentimental one Mason that is.

Why can't you tell them?

They would start asking questions that I don't really want to answer. But I guess I dont have another way to get out of this.

"I found my mate"

Mason and Hunter, both stood up and hugged each other. "At last!" They both said various times. While they were doing their thing, I slowly turned around to see if my mate was still there, for my surprise, he was. And he was looking right at me.

"Can we ask?" Mason said breaking the silence, my eyes still stuck on Dorian. "No" I stood up and walked away from the guys. My eyes set on the same target than earlier.

When I was finally close to him, I sat down beside him.

Say something. He's tense.

I was about to say something when he broke the silence first.

"Are you mad?"

I shook my head, a sigh leaving my lips. "Are we still going to dinner tonight?" Once that left his lips my heart started beating fast, I truly was hoping no one could hear it.

After that my only reaction was to stand up and leave. I could feel the sadness coming from him and his wolf.

But what else could I do?


I added pictures on the chapters, so you can see how Scarlett and Dorian look. If you don't like my choices, imagine them however you like!
Please comment how you imagine them! <3

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