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The dawn came all to quickly. The sun rose steadily in the sky warming my form. I opened a brown optic looking around. Bee was still asleep next to me. I lifted one of my paws from a blue puddle. Oh no! Bee's wounds. I hadn't been thinking, I was exhausted I hadn't had time to find a way to repair him. I nudged him, "Bee, bee, Bee! " I was getting nervous. He lifted his head, his light blue optics flashed open. "Yah?" He responded, still hazy with sleep. "Nothing never mind." I said shaking my head. If he could respond so quickly all of the energon couldn't be his. But, then was it mine? I began to look over wounds that I had received during our time in captivity. The ones they had seemingly patched had ripped open. Clearly the drone who had been working on me wasn't a medic. I had been under too much adrenaline to notice when it happened, so I had no idea how long I had been leaking.

I couldn't tell Bee. If I did our efforts to return to the pack would be hindered because of this distraction. We couldn't afford that, I could tell what direction we needed to go but there was no way to tell what we might encounter. I wanted to throw up, eat, sleep, and die all in the same moment. It was definitely my energon, mostly, all across the ground. I slowly began to stand, pain spread across me and I almost yelped. It hurt, burning and stabbing. My mussels threatened to give out, I wanted to let them. I wanted to keep sleeping. I couldn't, we needed to get out of here. "We need to leave." I said nudging Bee with my paw. He slowly stood clearly sore just like me. I began to walk in the direction my instincts told me. Back to the pack, back home. We moved in silence for most of the time just listening to make sure we hadn't been followed. "You doing ok?" I asked the silence burning me. "Yah, just this whole third mode thing is a little crazy I guess." He said emphasizing it by moving his wings a little. "I understand that. " I said thinking about where he was coming from. "I'm gonna need a little work before I can fight like you guys do in beast mode." He said his tone a little more upbeat as he thought about it. Now that I thought about it, this could actually be very interesting.

A few more hours passed and we were on pack grounds. I stopped a mile or so from the cave that was pretty much the epicenter of life in the pack. I deployed the mini con who I had almost forgot was still attached to my tail. He landed in front of me and looked around. I was unsure what exactly he was searching for. "So yah I'm pretty sure you can find your way to the city. " I said turning away. "Hold it, you're dropping me here and leaving? " He asked seemingly in disbelief. "Basically." I answered, "The deal was you could come with us,  and you did. " I made it clear. "Yah I could come with you, all the way to your pack? " He asked pleading. I huffed and turned to Bee, he half smiled and shrugged. I huffed, "Fine." I said moving my tail. "Yes! And check it out, I have just the right color for it!" He barked clearly excited. He lept up and flew infront of me. His colors changed.

"Like it?" He asked before landing on my back

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"Like it?" He asked before landing on my back. "Yah, sure. " I was still not all in on the idea of him staying with us.

He yapped the whole way back. I was ready to tear my audio receptors off. Once we were in sight of the cave we had the entire pack rush out to us. When I saw Dark I was a little concerned. It seemed like he hadn't slept in days, and who knows? Maybe he hadn't. I didn't have the spark to ask. "Where were you guys? " Blade Runner asked, he was among the younger of our pack. He along with Hydroplane, Mudslide, and Onyx were all sort of in the same category. All be it Hydroplane and Blade Runner were older. "I don't really know," I admitted. Bee didn't really have an answer either, we couldn't truly answer either of the main questions that were thrown our way. Probably due to exhaustion. Saw back came running over, clearly happy to see me as well. I all at once remembered the injuries I was trying not to think about. Trying to stop myself but utterly failing I dropped to the ground. My eye life were heavy, too heavy. Saw Bones shoved though the crowd and recruited Backlash, Bandit, and Outlaw to get the pack to go off for a bit while he checked us for injuries. 

Saying he was upset was probably the under statement of the century. He was a volcano, no. A super volcano. And he went off taking half the planet with him. He wouldn't shut up about nere death experiences and how I needed to give myself time if I lost this much energon. I just nodded when I thought appropriate and it seemed to appease him. Bee was oddly quiet. Being in the presence of upset Saw Bones was silencing but not to such an extent. "You ok Bee? " I asked. Saw Bones was now working on his injuries. "Yah, but you were hurt, and you didn't tell me." He said his audio receptors tilting back. It hurt him that I had kept this to myself, and I guess I understood why. "I'm sorry, I didn't think it was a good idea to distract both of us with my problems. I just decided to make it home... Then I'd tell you." I said attempting to amend my mistake. "Next time tell me then. " He said his tone easing up as his normal go lucky personality returned.

After another fit from Bones we then were off. I a little slower than Bee but I was still a little weak. Dark wanted to know every thing and Saw Back wanted to know why there was another mini con. I explained, with Bee's help, that we had been captured and that we had been assisted in our escape by the dragon mini con. Saw Back muttered in slight irritation clearly not interested in giving the new guy a chance. I huffed in slight amusement, "So what do we call him?" Saw back asked in an offended tone. "You can call me Blackout." He said standing tall liking the sound of the name. "Is that your name?" Saw back asked accusingly. "No, but I don't like my old one." He answered, not in the slightest offended by Saw Back's words. I admired the tenacity of this spunky mini con. I was going to enjoy working with Blackout.         

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