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He growled his breathing heavy with every pounding step. Dark Horse knew what he was doing and he saw no way around it, or didn't want to. He would confront the problem and conquer it the way his alpha couldn't. The scent had been easy enough to follow as his trail was mixed with leaking energon. Dark stopped infront of a recently abandon building. The trail led inside, he was not fooled. This building may have looked unused but there could be more happening here than met the optic. He silently moved inside, and there before him was the cloning operation. It was on a much larger scale then they could ever have imagined. The room itself was large enough to hold 3 decent sized bases with ceilings large enough for even Jaws to take flight. The whole place was really clean, like a well kept lab should be, and crawling with cons working on data tablets or other equipment. Landslide limped through a side area out of the way, medics tending to his injuries. Dark would just have to wait for the right moment. He remained low watching, and sorta lost track of time, but it payed off. Landslide got fed up with being cooped up indoors and took a breather. He stepped outside and went around the back. Dark followed silently as his rage began to build up.

Landslide was caught completely off guard by a swift blow to the side, knocking him to the ground. Dark Horse was only half thinking, "You are going to die here." He growled sounding more like a beast. "Well well, the beta, the second it command, the soldier." Landslide said getting to his feet, Dark snarled smoke pouring from his nostrils. "Well come on alpha's boy, let's see what you got." He growled standing and now smirking. Dark roared charging towards him, Landslide dodged dark's first attack. He then whirled and slammed the barbed spikes of his tail into Dark Horse. Dark closed his jaws on Landslide's back leg, but the odds where not in his favor.

The battle had been long and strenuous, I wanted to head back and sleep for about 3 months. However I was well aware that if they had 1 cloning lab they were likely to have severa. What could we do against that? Best not to think of it that moment, for the time we had done what we could, now the pack needed rest. I headed outside with the others, but I noticed Backlash off on his own. I went over next to him, he seemed to be in his own world not paying attention but thinking. "Hey, you ok?" I asked nudging him, he snapped out of it flinching a little, "What? Yeah. I'm fine. " he responded looking away. "I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier." I said out of no where, "I'm sorry I did what I did, it brought back some... unpleasant memories." His mood seemed to drop ever further. "You've never said anything about your life before the pack." I responded sitting next to him, "Well I'm not proud of it, it was a side of me that I never want to see again." He said. "I wish I knew you then, maybe I could have helped." I offered, knowing it was a pitiful attempt at sympathy. "Maybe you could have." He responded his voice back to the calm and gentle nature of his personality, his gaze met mine and for a second we felt the calm... before the storm. "Hey! Alpha!" Storm called, I stood going over and Backlash followed, "I don't think Dark headed back to the territory." She said Looking down at the tracks, energon littered them as well. I could detect his scent streaming from it, a thick line of made its way to my nose. No, he was going to do what he thought I couldn't. He was going to kill him. "Hold up, how did you know he was supposed to head back to the territory?" I asked turning to her, "The whole pack over heard it." Backlash said. I nodded, "We have to go after him, now! He is hurt and no match for Landslide like that." I said my form already moving the direction the tracks headed.

Dark was laying on his side, energon watering the ground below him. Landslide stood over him, "You shouldn't have come alone, it was not smart. That is if you couldn't pick that up." He said smirking. Dark wouldn't meet his gaze, the concept of falling to the same beast that took his sparkmate from him, it destroyed his resolve. Dark sighed and shut his optic, there was no way to fight him, not in Dark's present state. Landslide smirked and reared to strike the final blow. However instead of a crushing strike was a sound of metal against metal. Dark opened his optics.

I pounded the bulk of my shoulder plating into Landslide sending him tumbling back, Saw Bones was right behind me and immediately began to patch the largest of Dark's external wounds. "So you let your little dog off his leash ey?" He asked lunging at me. "Dark makes his own choices you wench." I snarled avoiding it and clamping down on his tail before yanking back and fourth dragging him with me. He let a roar of irritation as he attempted to retaliate. I held on and tore my head around throwing him to the side, "Get Dark Horse out of here." I commanded, Saw Bones was 2 steps ahead of me and already was. I turned to face Landslide as he collided with me. "So Jaws, do you think you have enough strength in your spark to kill me?" He asked standing and facing me. I growled standing and facing him as thunder snarled in the sky, "I always have, it just never chose to show up until now!" I snarled charging him.

Backlash led the pack through the wall as they attacked the larger cloning institute. The pack was bombarded with blaster fire, but predacon hide is tough. The clones in this lab had yet to be corrupted, the cons had not altered their minds yet. This was what drove Backlash above all else, they had to save the clones. Free the others of their race.   

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