Chapter 1

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Hello reader, I have re-written this story again for the better. There are still a few grammar and spelling mistakes that I would gladly like for you to point out, but when you do please do not be so roud about it. I am only human. I did not like how I wrote this story at first because it was written too much like you would talk, so I wrote it using more descriptive words and changed the plot to be more realistic. This story is very dramatic and violant, but it's also romantic more you read it aswell as funny. I do love reading you're comments about what you think on the characters or the story itself so don't be afraid to leave too many comments. Also do not forget to vote. Hope you enjoy the newer version of this story! Thank-you for your time.

I would like to dedicate this story to my sister, that even though she still hasn't read it she has helped so much. Thank-you Vicky for liscening me talk about the plot about a hundred times and getting excited every time I wrote a new scene, even though most of the times I had to force you to liscen. I love you.


Darkness surrounded the dead alley. There was no sound heard, apart from the clicking of my heels against the cold wet concrete and my breath slowly speeding up. A cold breeze cut through me like knives, making every bone in my body shiver in dislike. I pulled my leather jacket tighter around myself, trying to give my body a bit of warmth. My chocolate wavy hair was whipping furiously around my face.

The sound of a can being kicked came from behind me, warning me that I wasn't alone. Too afraid to look back, I quicken my pace trying hard to get out of this corridor of horrors. Before I could even turn the corner, I was slammed face first against the brick wall. I was squashed so hard against the wall my lips could taste the red wet bricks in front of me. The rough hand holding my head in place was quickly replaced with a round metal object that I instantly recognized as a gun. My body trembled in fear; afraid of whom this person could be, but I fought hard to keep my mouth shut from pleading for my life. My capturer moved their face slowly forward towards my ear making me hold my breath in anticipation. Letting out a small chuckle, they whispered with their deep masculine voice, “Hey Kat.”

As my ears registered the voice I pushed off the wall with all my strength and span around so that his familiar endless brown eyes met with my glare. Without even looking at it, my left hand shut up and slapped the gun in his hand, making it fly a few feet away from us. "Stronzo!" I shouted as my cheeks heated up. "You scared the shit out of me!”

He only replied with his famous smirk and dropped his arm around my shoulder. “Oh admit it, it was funny, your face was priceless! Plus you deserved it after making me and Mark wait for you, because as always… You. Are. Late.” 

"It was not funny! It was frightening! I thought you were someone else, Daniel.” I said pulling his muscular arm off of me. I continued to glare at him but he just looked back at me with a blank face, not really phased. Giving up on my anger, I let out a long sigh, "But yeah, I guess I did deserve it."

He gave me his charming smile that broke thousands of girls’ hearts. "Come on. Lets go. I left Mark outside the club waiting for us." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me roughly forward; making us jog out of the alley and into the crazy, live city of Rome.

We finally reached the nightclub a few minutes later. The club was just a dull dark building with a huge sign written "Notte folle" in neon blue. Though the building looked like every other building in Rome, on the inside was a different story. Which was why there was always a huge line at the entrance with only one poor bouncer trying to control who goes in and who goes out. However, my eyes’ attention weren't on them, but on the cheerful guy that was running towards us.

She's new and She's BAD! (EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now