Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Imad Sergio Coulibaly


Hi again, ok sorry for the late chpater, I'm currently on an island where there is litrally no internet. But some how Super-lulublakdo saved the day! So anyways, this chapter is also done, hope you like it... There aren't excatly many new things in this new version of chapter 5, but it is written still better than before. There are probably many spelling and grammar mistakes don't be afraid to comment about them, just don't be harsh when you do.  Actually comment anything you want and think because I always love reading you're comments, and even though I man not be able to always answer, trust me I read and appreciate every one of them. One day I'll sit down and answer every one of you! Ok, so I hope you enjoy this chapter, remember especially to comment, also if you feel like it to vote and fan... Thankyou, happy reading!


I pulled back from the hug realizing that I barely knew Al, and I was probably giving him the first wrong impression of being a weak person from all the crying. I gave him a tight smile, “Um-m, thanks.” Everything soon became awkward. 

He dismissed the awkwardness with a shrug, “no problem. Hey, I was about to head out to the mall and buy some stuff do you want to come?"

I was about to refuse, but his sincere smile changed my mind. After all, this was the first time I wouldn’t have to worry about how much I’d spend and plus, it is Los Angeles, the city of shopping malls. “That would be nice. I’ll be right back, just going to change into something more comfortable.” I replied pointing at my uncomfortable outfit.

He nodded in agreement while chuckling. “Ok, in the meantime I’ll pull out the car.”  

I replied with one of my rare warm smiles and ran up the stairs to my room. Once there I quickly changed into a pair of old shorts and t-shirt, brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed my Nokia phone and new credit card, stuffing them in my pocket as I ran out of the house and into Al’s black Range-Rover. 

“Ready?” Al asked starting the engine. I nodded my head excitingly.

20 minutes later Al and I were walking up the escalators of a mall called “Beverly Center”. It took us some time, not because the mall was far, but only because of the traffic there was. I was use to there always being traffic in Rome, however the traffic and driving there was extremely different from here. While in Rome everyone drove like they were in a movie of “Fast and Furious”, here they drove with calm and order. It is going to take some time for me to get use to that. 

In the mall we went from store to store, laughing and bonding as we bought the things we liked and needed. While Al bought a few items, I pretty much bought myself a new wardrobe and more. He even convinced me, along with buying an American sim-card, to throw away my old Nokia and get an iPhone, promising me that he would teach me how to use it. 

“I actually need to go buy something for a friend of mine. I’ll only be five minutes so just wait for me here.” He said, as he left me siting at a table of what is considered a coffee shop, called “Starbucks”. I just sat there, drinking my cold coffee, when I start to get a feeling of being observed. I look around me but didn’t notice anyone giving me their attention. It’s probably just the jet-leg. But the feeling didn’t leave and continued to bug me. This time I quickly turned my head around, just in time to see a scrawny 30-year-old men with a professional looking camera in his hands. Before I could even understand what was going on, he took the camera up to his eyes and started to snap pictures like a crazy man. I instantly put my hands up to cover my eyes from the blinding flash.

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