Chapter 3

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Ok here is chapter three, before I had devided the chapters in two parts and now I have joined them, here the scenes are the same but the characters and written differently, so I hope you like it. Remember to leave comments! Thank-you for your time, enjoy...


“That mother-fucking bastard!” Was all that went through my mind as I ran to my room. For years have I been suffering just to put some food on the table, when this man was rolling in money. Not once did he think to send some money to help me, actually not once did he care enough to call and know if I was even alive. My eyes teared up in anger. It’s not like I was poor from the start, but the bills for my mother’s medication along with my grandmothers had sucked all the money my family had saved, leaving me with nothing. While this bastard was living the perfect life in this useless villa. 

My breath hitched up in anger as I started to hyperventilate. My eyes burned as I pushed back the sobs. I needed to calm down right now, or I was going to explode. But there was no way to calm down, as flashes of my sick mother went through my mind and the thought of my father rolling in money scratched permanently in my thoughts. Distraction. That’s what I needed. I couldn’t confront my feelings, so I was just needed to suppress them. 

I went to the house phone and called Nate.”Hey, do you know how I can get a ride?" I asked through the phone, trying hard to hide my shaky voice. 

“Yes. Mathew, your family’s driver, is heading outside right now for you. He can take you where ever you want.” He replied. “Sorry if I intrude Ms. Clarkson, but where would you like to go? From what I heard you had a long flight, and it’s already getting quite late.”

“I can’t stand being in this house, I just need to blow off some steam.”

“I don’t know if that’s the best idea Miss. You are not really acquainted with the city an-“

“Fine.” I stated interrupting him. “Then you tell me where I can go to get a drink without having problems.” There was only silence for a few minutes. “Please Nate? I really need a distraction right now.” 

Nate sighed through the phone before answering. “Ok, tell Mathew to take you to Hot and Cold he knows how to get there. It’s a night club, but you don’t have to worry as they almost never ask for the I.D. But please Kat, try not to get into too much trouble.” 

I smiled at the use of my name. “ I promise, thank-you so much.” I quickly hanged up and went to get ready. 

Only a few minutes later I was sneaking out the door and into the limousine that was supposedly my ride. The thin black wall that divided the back from the front was down allowing me to tell Mathew to take me to the night-club. 

“Um-m-m, sure Miss. Right away,” he replied giving me a hesitant look. I guess no body here expected the daughter of such a powerful man to spend her first night in L.A at a club. Maybe they all expected me to be a good girl? I don’t know and I don’t care. After everything that man has done to me, sneaking out of the house to go clubbing was the least I could have done.The rest of the ride was silent as I stared out of the window, admiring the lights of the city. 

Around 20 minutes later, the limousine came to a stop in front of a building with the writing “Hot and Cold.” The entrance of the club was packed with people trying to get in. “Thank-you Mathew. You don’t need to wait for me, I'll just grab a cab when I need to go." 

He nodded in reply and gave me a small piece of paper with the address of the house, so I would know how to get back. I voiced my thanks again and opened the door to leave. I allowed first, just one bare leg to step out of the limo then slowly the rest of my body, creating a dramatic entrance and forcing every eye on me. On normal basis I hated any sort of attention, but tonight I called for it. As I heard wolf whistles coming from some guys, a small smirked creeped on my face. I really had out-done myself tonight. I was wearing a white skin-tight dress that reached mid thigh, and complimented every curve of my body. I matched the dress with some black heels and a clutch. 

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