Chapter 6

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Hello reader. I know, I know, I'm extremely slow but hey atleast I try! Anywayz here is chapter 6, something kind of mean happens here so make sure to comment and tell me what you all think about it! I have also decided to make an extremely evil new rule, because I'm that much of a meany; and that rule is that each chapter (and the editing ones don't count) needs to have atleast 100 votes. I know it's cruel but come on guys there are over one thousand of you that reads each chapter, you can do this! I have faith in you all. And by-the-way, thankyou sooooo much for all these readers, it's honestly shocking and amzing! I love you all. So as I'm also a huge junkie of books, I also read other people's stories on wattpad, and I have noticed that many of them have these contest things and like questionares and stuff like that. I do want to have a contest soon, but for now I wouldn't know what to make it on so lets wait a bit. But what I meant with this point was what do you guys want to do for each chapter? Do you have any questionares ideas or something like that? I mean, I think it would be fun if we had something like that. Or is it just me getting excited over nothing? Anywayz comment any ideas or thoughts about anything that I have said above, I know I'm a chatter box but hey you gotta love me for it! Ok I have hold you off enough, you may now proceed to read the chapter! I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I did while writing it, and remember to comment, vote and fan! THANKYOU 


I tried to cover up the worried expression I was wearing a few minutes ago by giving Al a reassuring smile. However from Al’s confused expression he didn’t seem to buy it. I looked back at Damien only to see him a few feet away from us, with his eyes locked on mine. 

"Hey babe." Damien said once he was right in front of me.

"What the fuck do you want, asshole?" Al answered for me, standing up with his arms crossed over his chest. He stood in front of me, only a few inches away from Damien. 

Damien’s gaze slowly moved off of me and on Al. “Oh nothing actually. You see, Kat here took my brand new bike the other day, and I just wanted to know when she thought of giving it back.” An arrogant smirk grew on his face as it mocked Al.

Al turned around to look at me, confusion written all over his face. “You know him?” He asked me ignoring Damien. 

"NO!" I answered frantically, but was interrupted by Damien’s strong voice as he spoke on top of me, answering, “Yes.”

Al’s confused expression did not go away as he looked between us with eyebrows raised, expecting an explanation.

Damien yet again interrupted me, his voice overpowering mine. “She came over at one of my dad’s night clubs, we hanged out, had a few drinks in my office and then I took her at my place, and well… You know how that goes.” Damien’s eyes turned to me as he winked. 

Al turned red in anger. He glared at Damien as he pulled back his arm and punched him right in his left eye. Damien stumbled back not expecting the hit. With his left hand he covered his eye, not wanting to show his injury. Even though it was evident that Damien was in pain, he laughed, loud and strong, trying to get even more on Al’s nerves. But Al ignored him as his gaze fell on me. All I could read in his sad blue eyes was disappointment, right before they turned into slits and he glared daggers as he stormed off. My eyes followed his retreating body, until he disappeared into one of the school’s buildings. I realised almost too late that many of the student’s eyes were on us. 

“So about my bike?” Damien asked, pulling me out of my train of thoughts. He was standing closer than before with his hands on my hips and a smirk playing on his lips. 

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