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Envato Market is a similar site to Creative Market, however, it contains more technological art, website themes, codes, plugins, music, videos, photos and more.

And like Creative Market, Envato gives away free content. This company provides six freebies, but their delivery is once a month. You can download items from:







Envato's marketplace also connects millions of people around the world to buy files, hire freelancers, or learn the skills needed to build websites, videos, apps, graphics and more.

I have an alert on my Google Calendar for the first Monday of each month to check Envato, and download the freebies. Of course, I stash these goodies in my Google Drive STOCK IMAGES & MEDIA folder to use in future projects.

I also buy my themes and many of my plugins through Envato. If I'm working with a client and they're looking for artwork or music, Envato is my first choice. I like the service I receive as a customer, and I've had great assistance when dealing with returns.

Of course, I like to use FREE when I can, but when I'm serious about a project, I always consider purchasing quality content. For example, I use a premium, professional theme on my website, which I purchased through Envato. Anytime I work with a client on a new website, I'll recommend the theme I use, not because I'm familiar with the backend, but because it's a superior product with regular updates and myriad design demos that guarantee a beautiful, highly functional website.

Check out Envato and make your free account today. Add it to your calendar and return at least once a month and create your own stash of awesome creative content.

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