ch. 1

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it took forever, but im at my last class of the day. Creative writing. That girl Cristina I met earlier is really cool and shes in this class too. I get to class early and save a seat for her. I look around the classroom. Everything a writer could dream of is here. And get this, I can write songs and play the instrumental to then too. You see, my biggest  musical influence is Taylor swift. Im a huge swiftie. I first heard her music when I was 9. Then I picked up a guitar and ive been hooked to the idea of being a musician.

The bell rings and the teacher comes in. I actually care about this class so I bother to learn his name. Its Mr. Waldorf. "for your first assignment, you may write a story, song, or a poem and share it in front of the class next Thursday. " cool. I thought. my chance to show what I can do.

That day when I walked home I was in a daze. I was mentally writing a song and planning out the music for it. I got to the place I call home and instantly got yelled at. "Melissa! I told you to get home fast! We have potential adopters." Tessa our, as I like to call her,'cruise director.'

Im just standing there thinking whats the point. no-one will adopt a 12 year old girl who's obsessed with Taylor swift and has a bad attitude.

I decide its too much effort to get ready so I take my guitar and ditch the place. I go to the park and play for money. I do that so I can get tickets for Taylor swifts next album when it comes out in October. I play whatever comes to mind. instantly I start strumming A place in this world. I start to notice a small crowd gather around as I sing the words. I even see someone video taping. A little creepy, but I dont care.

By the time im done playing a few songs I start packing up. I count the money I made. $19.73. That's a new record.

I go back to the orphanage and see some of the kids are happy. im assuming that they are getting out of this place as soon as their new parents finish a butt load of paperwork.

During dinnertime we are only aloud to watch the news. Tessa turns it on and im too busy daydreaming about life if I were famous. meeting Taylor swift. And going to award shows. My thoughts were interrupted when one of the little brats screamed "Melissa is on tv!" I look up and there I was. On the tv. Singing. Then it hit me. They were asking if anyone knew information on me. And if they did, to call Scott Borchetta. As in 'the-guy-who-signed-taylor-swift.

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