ch. 4

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its been 1 week since the incident. nobody has no idea whats going on. I got a room at a hotel and have been going on with my life normally. but with fear. ive been recording songs for my album and hanging out with Taylor. we got to know each other really well. I think she knows something might be up. I guess it could be the way I look around whenever we hang out, or the way I cringe with every loud noise. I get back to my hotel. somethings different. another letter for me.

dear Melissa,

so I see you are keeping this our little secret. I hope your having fun never knowing who's out to get you. it could come in 5 minutes,  or 5 days.

I throw a lamp across the room. I set my phone down and go up to the bathroom mirror. He just makes me so mad. I roll up my sleeves and look at all my scars. from the old fading ones left from my dad years ago, to the ones from people at my old school.

dont get me wrong, im not a wimp. I learned how to fight last year from being a street kid. but before I learned I was a punching bag. ive had so many broken bones and deep cuts it doesnt faze me anymore.

my phone starts ringing for the 100th time. I dont care. I just stare at myself in the mirror crying.

"im going to live. ive beat everything bad thats ever happened to me. I can beat this." I whisper to myself.

I clean up my face when I hear a firm knock on my door. I jump. I slowly get up and look through the peep hole. Its Taylor.

I open the door. she comes in without even saying a word. I close the door and lock it. she hugs me tight.

"you haven't answered my calls and texts all day. I was afraid someone kidknapped you." I cringed at that last remark. did she know?

"look. I see how you've been acting. I can tell someone's been threatening you because its happened to me before. they cant hurt you." she says calmly.

"I dont know what you mean." I say with tears threatening to fall. she gives me a look like she doesn't believe me.

"he might hurt you if you knew." I whisper quietly.

"im not afraid." she replies.

I sigh. "my dad. he killed my mom and then tried to kill me. he escaped from jail and hired a bunch of hit men to jump me at random times to try and kill me."

by then I was crying.

she takes me by the arm and walks out of my hotel room. we walk out to her car. "I legally adopted you." she says. I stare in disbelief.

we get in the car. "we're going to our house where theres security." she just said our house right?

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