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1. Names.
Think as your pack as a town, or a school, or a business, maybe. Whatever you see your pack as, DON'T fucking name your pack something stupid. You know what I'm talking about: blood moon pack, blood rose pack, blue moon pack, red rose pack, dark shadow pack...
Stop, stop, stop!!! Not only are these names cliches as FUCK, they're so unoriginal and uncreative. No thought whatsoever. When you hear a name like dark shadow pack, can you really take it seriously? It sounds like a group of wannabe thugs who think they're edgy and dangerous. Whenever I hear pack names like this, I actually cringe- it's that serious. Try name your pack something natural, something that doesn't sound forced. Some books have their packs named after what trait their display or value above all, especially Midika with her alpha series. See, this isn't as icky as a 'fearful' pack being called blood moon...

2. Good underlings make good packs.
So, you've named your pack- great. Now it's time to pick your beta and gamma- the second and third in command who are just as important as the alpha. Cause we all know the alpha ain't doing shit but moping over his mate, or lack thereof. So who's going to run the pack?, you ask. Simple, my dear readers: the beta!
It's because of this, alphas need to make sure, that before all else, they choose a beta who knows their shit. You're not looking for a best friend here, you need someone who can handle the pack just as good, or better, than you can. He/she is not just there to help you with your mate problems or send his/her mate to comfort yours since you kidnapped her (Do you notice that happens a lot!)
Any fucking pack member can be your personal butler, your beta is your support. Your pack support. When you're in trouble, your beta needs to be there. When you're away, your beta needs to be there. If all he knows is Dr.Phil advice and serving you tea, as soon as something comes up, which it will, your pack is royally screwed.

3. Don't be a fucking idiot!
Don't be a fucking idiot! Yes, I needed to write that twice because it's not that obvious to some. If your pack is a pack that is constantly under rogue attacks (sighhh) increase your fucking numbers! Unless your men are fucking one punch men, you gonna lose some now and again, especially if the attacks are constant. Don't just train men, ya sexist!! And especially: TRAIN YOUR FUCKING MATE!! Train her dammit!! Or him!! That stupid promise they always make of "Aw, nah bae- I'm gonna protect you." BEEP!! Kidnapped. You're not God, babes. You can't be every where at once and you're not indestructible. As your equal, your luna should be on par with you in combat abilities. And if they're not, make sure they are!!
I don't care if they're fucking blind!! Teach them some damn self defense. You know that they're vulnerable, for some stupid reason. Yet they are still totally okay with their mates flittering about like some fucking fairy, not teaching them any bloody luna duties. This is what I'm talking about, the sheer uselessness of lunas.

4. Numbers are everything. You are not.
You are the alpha. But you are only one wolf man. So if you keep treating your pack like shit, or keep fucking them around, or denying them their luna- don't be surprised if they: A- kick you out. B- Start a new pack. Or C- fucking kill you. It's the same reason you don't annoy the waiter or dinner lady: you don't want spit in your food, or worse...

5. Congratulations!!!
Okay. You've named your pack, found a reliable beta, have started training your luna and continued to keep one of strongest warriors as her personal bodyguard until she is on par with you. You've even reached a mutual relationship with your pack members, gaining their respect and loyalty through your physical and political prowess. Well done, you've actually succeeded in building a great pack.
All you need to do is-"ROUGE ATTACK!!"

Thank you gunsandcats for voting on A LOT of my chapters. Thanks also to everyone who is reading, comment where'd you rank in a pack and why. OR tell me about horrible and great packs you've read about.

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