Kiss (Naked)

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"Reaper!" Geno laughed, trying to push the other off of him.

"What~?" Reaper smiled, continuing to lay bony kisses over Geno's exposed ribs. 

Geno held both of his hands to his face, giggling. "S-Stop it!" 

"Nah~.  You're too beautiful not to worship." 

Geno continued to laugh, blushing madly. "I swear, I'm going to slap you!" 

"If I get to keep worshiping your beauty, then go ahead~."  Reaper grinned, sitting up and leaning close to his face. 

Geno let out a small huff. "Fine." 

With that, he closed the gap between them, bringing Reaper into a long and passionate kiss. They tumbled onto each other, falling onto the floor with a hard THUD

Reaper and Geno both winced. "Ow...When they say love hurts, I didn't think they meant it literally." Reaper hissed. Geno was on top of him, letting out a small chuckle.
"I really fell for you, Geno." The god punned, wrapping Geno in his arms. 

The smaller laughed. "Thanks for breaking my fall." Geno grinned, laying a small bony kiss on Reaper's cheek. 

"No problem." Reaper responded, laying on the floor with the other.

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