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Three Months After The Accident
It's been three months after the accident and Lauren and Lucy's relationship has changed dramatically. The once close couple were now strangers to each other and Lauren didn't like it. She has tried to talk to Lucy but she was always told to shut up. Lucy didn't like the fact that she now has a permanent stutter so she has made Lauren right everything she wants to down. She didn't want Lauren talking at all, no matter what. Right now she's starting to feel very defeated because she's really not sure where her and Lucy stand at this point. Maybe she should leave.

Lauren was sitting in the living room when the door opens and in walks a very intoxicated Lucy. With sad eyes Lauren looks up at her girlfriend. Lucy are you ok? She wrote down on a note.

Lucy chuckled dryly "honestly Lauren I don't even know why I'm with you!" She spat, "I could be with someone normal but instead I'm stuck with a worthless cunt like you. God I hate you!"

Lauren frowned at Lucy's words but didn't respond back because she knew it was true. Lucy could do better than her, she knew that but for some reason Lucy stuck around. Maybe there was still some love there? At least she hopes there is.


As the weeks passed the distance between Lauren and Lucy only grew bigger. They didn't talk like they used to and when they did Lucy was always saying something hurtful to her. They didn't share a bed anymore, Lucy made her sleep in the guest room because she couldn't stand to be around Lauren. But Lauren was trying, she was trying to make it work because she still very much loves Lucy so she'll do anything in her power to get their relationship back to the way it was. It's not going to be easy but she'll do anything to get back the love they once had for each other because that's all she really wants.

Lauren was sitting on the couch drawing when Lucy walks in with her ex girlfriend Alexa. The crown on Lauren's face didn't go unnoticed by either girl and this made Lucy happy. It made Lucy happy to know that she was in some way hurting the green eyed girl. It made her happy.

So without saying anything Lucy and Alexa ran off to the bedroom, giggling as the closed the door behind them. With tears in her eyes Lauren texted her best friend Vero.

Lauren: can I come over please?

Vero: of course sweetie. Is everything ok?

Lauren: I'll tell you when I get there.

Vero: ok see you soon.

Picking up her things Lauren quickly left the house before Lucy or Alexa walked out because honestly she doesn't know how she will react if she was them right now. This was too much for her.

Arriving at Vero's house Lauren was quickly brought into a huge by the older girl. "LoLo what's wrong?" Vero asked softly. Lauren sniffled Lucy brought her ex back to the apartment and they ran off to the bedroom together she wrote down. Vero sighs "Lauren why are you still with her? And don't give me the 'I love her' bullshit because no amount of love should make you stay when Lucy treats you like complete shit. Laur you can do way better than Lucy Vives." Vero said.

Lauren shrugs but I do love her and I want to work it out before giving up completely she writes. Vero shakes her head "Lo, I hate to say this but there is no working this out. Lucy is no longer committed to this relationship, she's checked out and honestly it time for you to do the same. You don't deserve this hurt babe." She said softly.

Lauren sighs because she knows deep down that she should leave but she doesn't want. She doesn't want to because she loves Lucy so much but she also knows that she can't force the girl to be with her. God what should she do?

A/N: there are only two more chapters of back story and I promise Laurinah will happen soon. Just bare with me.

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