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Lauren looked with teary eyes at the way Lucy was kissing on Alexa. Even though she wasn't surprised that they had slept together it still hurt because even though she knows that she shouldn't she still loved Lucy. So yeah it hurt seeing her in bed with another woman, especially if that woman was her ex.

Seeing Lucy in bed with Alexa is something that Lauren will never get out of her head because of how much it hurt. As badly as Lauren wants to ask Lucy why she did it she kind of already knows the answer. Lucy feel out of love with her and she's not mad that she did Lauren just wished Lucy ended things before the got to the point were she cheated. It would also save Lauren the hurt of being verbally abused by Lucy. They both would have be better off if they ended things earlier.

With her sketchbook held closely to her chest Lauren walked up the stairs to Ally's apartment. Using the key Ally gave her Lauren unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Hey Lauser!"

Lauren's heart leaped out of her chest when she heard Dinah's voice and she couldn't stop the smile that formed on her face. Hi Dinah she writes down. The blonde smiles at her as she walked over to the green eyes girl "so where have you been?" Dinah asked curiously.

I went to the park to draw some birds Lauren wrote down.

Heading that Dinah's eyes lot up "oh can I see?" Lauren nods eagerly as she hands Dinah her sketchbook. The Polynesian happily flips threw the book as she took in every detail of each one of Lauren's drawings. "Wow you're extremely talented Lo." She complimented.

Lauren blushed at Dinah's compliment and hugs the older girl. Dinah wraps her arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of Lauren's head. Blushing slightly Lauren hid her face in the blonde's neck. She could get used to this.

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