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As weeks turned into months and months turned into two years Lauren found herself completely out of love for Lucy. Lucy was no longer the girl she fell in love with and once she realized that it was easier to let Lucy go. It hurt but it needed to be done.

Lauren sat on the couch with a notebook opened up to the first page. Worthless was written at the top in bold lettering, that's how she felt. She felt worthless because to everyone she was worthless. Lauren couldn't speak clearly and that frustrated everyone around her because they wanted her to be normal, but that was the problem, she wasn't normal. She was never going to be normal and that was just a fact.

"God, Lauren could you be any stupider!?" Lucy hissed at her.

Lauren shrunk in her seat, making herself as small as possible. This was something she did when she knew that she was in trouble and that was often because according to everyone else she was stupid and couldn't do anything right.

"God you are absolutely worthless! If it wasn't for me you'd be living in the streets where you fucking belong, you worthless piece of shit!" Lucy spat angrily.

Lauren could feel the tears in her eyed but she held them back because she didn't want to appear weak in front of Lucy, she couldn't show her weaknesses because she knew Lucy would use them against her and she really didn't want that.

"I wish with everything in me that you die. Lauren you don't understand how much I hate you! I wish every single fucking day that when I wake up that you died in your sleep, because if that happened I would never have to see your ugly stupid face ever again. I just wish you would just die already!" Lucy said coldly.

Lauren's not going to lie, that hurt. Hearing that Lucy wants her to die hurts a lot more than she would have expected. She knew that Lucy didn't like her but she never would have thought that Lucy would want her to die, but she's not surprised because she always did feel like Lucy didn't want her around anymore. Maybe it's time for her to leave? She's over stayed her welcome here anyways.

It was two hours after Lucy fell asleep and Lauren was in her room packing up everything that she owned. Lucy has made it quiet clear that she didn't want her around so she has decided to leave. Lauren though that it was for the best. Lucy would be happier without her anyways. Everyone would.

With her things packed Lauren grabs her suitcase and quietly left the house that she once loved being in but for the past couple of years has caused her nothing but pain. It was time to leave, this was for the best. That much she knew.


Lauren drove all the way to California on nothing but coffee refills and candy it keep her awake, at least until she got to California. To be honest she didn't know where she would go when she got there but she was going to figure it out. At least she hope she was.

Pulling into some gas station in LA Lauren parked her car and quickly got out. Times like this made Lauren glad that her parents made a private bank account for her because if not she'd have no money for anything and she'd be stuck. And that's the last thing she would have wanted.

Walking in to the store Lauren bumps into someone. She quickly looks up and locked eyes with someone she hasn't seen since high school.


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