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It's been a week since she left Lucy's and she was living with her old best friend Ally. Back in high school Ally and Lauren we're extremely close, unfortunately they lost touch after high school when Ally auditioned for The X Factor and was put in a group with three other girls. Ally wanted to visit when she heard about Lauren's accident, unfortunately she was touring and could not make it but she always kept Lauren in her thoughts.

Honestly Lauren didn't expect to run into Ally when she ran away to LA but she was happy that she did because she has no idea where she would be staying if she didn't. Ally was a sweet girl and unlike Lucy she was very understanding when it came to Lauren and how she did things. Ally was amazing!

"LoLo I was wondering if you liked to meet my best friends/bandmates?" Ally asked.

Lauren looked up at her nervously and quickly wrote something down. But what if they don't like me? Ally smiles at her "Lo, they're going to like you. I promise." She says. Lauren sighed softly but agreed to meet them. Ally grins happily as she hugs Lauren "oh I promise you won't regret this!" Lauren gently hugs back. I hope not.

Lauren tagged along with Ally to rehearsal so that she could meet Ally's friend. To say she was nervous was an understatement, she was freaking out because she wanted nothing more than to make a good first impression on Ally's friends and she was scared that she would screw it up. God please don't let her screw up.

Walking in to the dance studio Lauren locked arms with Ally as they walked towards her bandmates. "Girls I would like you to meet my best friend Lauren. Lauren these are my other best friends Normani and Dinah Jane!" Ally introduced happily. Lauren smiles shyly as she waved at the two girls in front of her.

Looking at Lauren, Dinah's breath was completely taken away. Lauren was absolutely stunning and Dinah couldn't help but stare at the beautiful green eyed girl. "You're really pretty Lauren." She spoke softly. Lauren blushed at Dinah's kind words and wrote thank you on a note and handed it to the blonde haired girl. Dinah couldn't help but smile at the green eyed girl and how absolutely adorable she was right now. Maybe this was the start of something great? Maybe.

Lauren was sitting in the corner with her sketchbook in her lap as she drew Dinah. Lauren doesn't know how it happened but she just had to draw Dinah. There was something about the girl that just loved and she couldn't help but draw her. Every now and again she would glance up and look at Dinah, she wanted to make sure they she got every detail of the girl right because she wanted this drawing to be perfect.

"I didn't know you were such a good artist."

Lauren jumped at the voice and quickly looked up, only to lock eyes with gorgeous brown ones right in front of her. With a small smile she waved at Dinah. The blonde chuckled "you don't talk much, do you?" Dinah asked. Lauren shakes her head. Nope I uh have a really bad stutter due to an accident I was in. She wrote down.

Dinah looked at her with sympathetic eyes "I'm so sorry to hear that." She said softly. Lauren smiled at her it's find, I'm ok now she wrote. Dinah could feel her heart fluttering in her chest and couldn't stop the smile from forming on her face. She really likes Lauren and that was a fact that she was ok with.


Lauren was sitting on the floor nervously playing with her fingers as she watched the girls practice for their next show. As they were dancing Lauren couldn't take her eyes off of Dinah Jane. There was something about the girl that drew her in.

There was no doubt that Dinah was absolutely stunning but that's not what drew Lauren to her. What drew Lauren to her was the fact that she was such a genuine person and that made Lauren swoon. Although their first encounter was pretty short it still had Lauren's heart fluttering uncontrollably. The way Dinah was so understanding when she told her about her stutter and the fact that she didn't make fun of the fact that she didn't speak made her smile a little.

This was the first time in three years that Lauren truly felt happy and it felt good. With everything that happened Lauren didn't think she would ever be happy again but Dinah completely changed that in the matter of twenty-four hours.

"Hey Lauser!" Dinah greets happily.

Lauren looks up and smiled at the older hi Dinah she wrote on a note. The blonde took a seat next to Lauren on the floor "so have you finished that drawing you were working on yet?" Dinah asked. Lauren shakes her head no, not yet. I want to make sure it is absolutely perfect before I color it in she writes down. Dinah smiled a little "well you have to show it to me when it's finished." She said.

Lauren's heart skipped a beat when Dinah said that. Lauren has only been draw since after her accident because it was her way of escaping the real world and how terrible everything around her was. She never actually thought that anyone would be interested in what she drew. So Dinah wanting to see her drawing kind of surprised her but it also made her happy because of the fact that Dinah wanted to see her drawing. Lucy never did that, she never wanted to see what Lauren drew because she simply was not interested in anything that interested Lauren. Which, in a way hurt because Lauren was always interested in things that interested Lucy, but the girl couldn't do the same for her.

"Lauren are you ok?" Dinah asked softly.

Lauren looks up and nods yeah it's just surprised me that you wanted to see my drawing, no one's ever done that before. Dinah was shocked to hear that "not even your ex?" Lauren shakes her head nope she wasn't into things that I liked. Dinah rolls her eyes when she heard that. How could someone not be interested in what Lauren like? If Dinah was her girlfriend she would show interest in everything that Lauren likes, even if she wasn't a fan of it. She would treat Lauren like the princess she is. Hopefully she'll get the chance to show what true love really is. Hopefully.

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