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i might delete this just because i want to be an asshole and send you back to the first page but you probably wont know that because its deleted
i probably might just draw some libra zodiac shit, because libra month is coming and its my sign

i might delete this just because i want to be an asshole and send you back to the first page but you probably wont know that because its deletedButi probably might just draw some libra zodiac shit, because libra month is coming and its my sign

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i dont even eat the food i pack, i just ask what my friends want and ill try to get it for them

i dont even eat the food i pack, i just ask what my friends want and ill try to get it for them

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i do have a dimple on one cheek, i dont know what a cleft is

i do have a dimple on one cheek, i dont know what a cleft is

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yeah i like to see sexual things but i get scared if its in person, because im not comfortable

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yeah i like to see sexual things but i get scared if its in person, because im not comfortable. just like how i like snakes but scared if im actually near one-

if i put your favorite food on the counter with a side of your second favorite food and say that ive been trying to make the food but i couldnt because i cant cook and i had to just buy it even though that money was for something else for you, do ...

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if i put your favorite food on the counter with a side of your second favorite food and say that ive been trying to make the food but i couldnt because i cant cook and i had to just buy it even though that money was for something else for you, do i love you or not? yes i do nutty nutsack, do you want me to run down the street nearly naked in the middle of night yodeling? Fine mate i'll do it im not letting this war subside because i love hearing the words i love you from your mouth and how i love your voice even when i dont hear it anymore-
Moving on

if i put your favorite food on the counter with a side of your second favorite food and say that ive been trying to make the food but i couldnt because i cant cook and i had to just buy it even though that money was for something else for you, do ...

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I included the virgo on purpose, i just find if hilarious because kanaya is a gay ass alien who has an interspecies relationship with rose and kanaya is a virgo im-

I included the virgo on purpose, i just find if hilarious because kanaya is a gay ass alien who has an interspecies relationship with rose and kanaya is a virgo im-

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Ive only had chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and ube. What the fuck is mint chocolate chip

i call them kaomojis because its a time saver-UwUI have a keyboard that has the faces i dont use it much because it lags, or it doesnt even appear

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i call them kaomojis because its a time saver-
I have a keyboard that has the faces i dont use it much because it lags, or it doesnt even appear. Or i just use them because because i need an excuse to have boobs in text ( • )( • )ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ)

'What the signs want'I want something to take care of in general, i started holding anything that look like an animal more gently as if they were alive-

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'What the signs want'
I want something to take care of in general, i started holding anything that look like an animal more gently as if they were alive-

'What the signs want'I want something to take care of in general, i started holding anything that look like an animal more gently as if they were alive-

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hah. how do you grab a libra, do you run behind them and pick them up and run with them in your arms screaming

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