Chapter Six

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Sonia and Gundham waited anxiously in the waiting room at the hospital, trying to get their heads around what had happened.

"Gundham...I hate to say this but...what if he doe-" Sonia began, but getting cut off by Gundham. "Nonsense mortal! Anyone who has such raging hot blood in his veins could not leave the world so easily!" He replied, a small smirk on his face as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"He will be fine Dark Queen, I am sure of it!" Gundham reassured, rubbing her shoulder.

"I do hope so..." Sonia replied, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, "I don't know what I'd do if...." Sonia shook her head violently, trying to get rid of the evil thoughts in her head.She opened her mouth as if to say more, but decided against it, giving him a reassuring smile instead.

Thye both stood up fast as the nurse came to them, "Are any of you relatives of mr..." she looked at her clip board, her lips pursed, "Souda?"

"No, but he is a dear friend of ours" she replied, nervously wringing her hands together.

"Well I am sorry,  but I can not give anymore information about the patient without a parent or guardians authorisation."

Sonia and Gundham looked at each other anxiously, what were they to do now? Wait for his parents to come?
The nurse, sensing the dillema, decided to speak up once more. " could help us with something, if you wouldn't mind." She said, looking beteen them, waiting for their reply.

"We shall do anything in our power if it will help our dear friend" Gundham replied, looking at her with determination.

"Good, because we haven't been able to reach Mr Souda's home residence through the phone, would you two be able to go there yourself?"

Sonia and Gundham immediately agreed, grabbing the address and making their way to his home as soon as they could. As they started to make their way to Kazuichi's house,  Gundham noticed something strange about Kazuichi's addresss.

"Say, my Dark Queen, does this address appear strange to you at all?" He asked, showing her the small slip of paper it was written on.
Although Sonia thought as hard as she could about the address, she couldn't figure out what was wrong with it.

"What do you mean Gundham?" She asked in confusion, looking his way.

"Well...does it not seem a bit...far from the school? As in, quite a few miles away?" He said, facing her completely as they stopped at a traffic light. Sonia had shock written all over her face as she looked at the address again.

"My! It seems that you are correct in your assumption! If I recall, no trains go through that district either!" Sonia exclaimed as they walked across the street.

"It does seem that way" Gundham replied, unsure what to do with the newly found information and confused even more then before, did this mean the pinkette walked to school everyday? He had always assumed that the sweat was from the heat and over exertion from working on his various projects, but it seems he had been wrong.

It took the two more then twenty minutes to reach Kazuichi's house and
to say that there shocked was an understatement.
The house they were at was in shambles, windows broken and covered with cardboard, the front door hanging to the door frame by a single, rusting hing. The entire front of the house was a mess of car parts, with a pungent smell of motor oil and other inextinguishable smells exuding from the property.

"W-we....must have got the address wrong...right Gundham?" Sonia said shakily, turning to face him.
Gundham just shook his head, it was definitely the correct house, he made sure whilst coming over.

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