First Encounter

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You were walking down the streets of New York, just taking in the sights of the beautiful city that never slept. You always enjoyed the night because of how quiet the city could get sometimes, you enjoyed the dark and it's gentle glowing stars and moon. Usually, you would go up a fire escape on a random person's roof just so you could stargaze better but you thought you would get some exercise tonight and just walk through the city first.

After a bit of walking around and looking through store windows, you got bored with walking and the frequent catcalls so you decided to rest on a rooftop like you usually do. Luckily you spotted a fire escape close by and were heading towards it when you were quickly, and quite roughly, pulled into a dark alleyway.

You craned your neck to try and get a glimpse of your kidnapper but the alley was just too dark and your eyes hadn't adjusted yet. Not to mention the person holding you was much stronger than you. "Heyy mamas, don't you know pretty girls like you shouldn't walk alone this late at night?" The raspy voice chuckled before adding, "especially when you're so vulnerable." Rolling your eyes, you began trying to plan your escape. "You disgust me you rat" You almost growl before readying to grab your pepper spray and set his mucus membranes on fire. A woman's always gotta be prepared for this kind of treatment after all. "That's not a very nice thing to say to a guy who just wanted to compliment you" he says trying to sound innocent. He clearly just wanted to get away with something much worse than sex. Your eyes had slightly adjusted to the dark now and you were able to look down enough to see his shiny, silver watch on his arm that was putting you in a light chokehold. 11:15. You wanted to watch the stars until midnight but a certain asshole was making it hard for you to leave, mustering up your courage you grabbed your pepper spray, held your breath, and closed your eyes before spraying directly into his face. He let go and yelled profanities which gave you a small window of time to start running, which is exactly what you did.

He tried running after you but him being pretty much blind he began tripping over his own feet, which allowed you to easily get away. Even if you hadn't pepper-sprayed him, you'd still have a chance of getting away since you used to do kickboxing.

Once you were sure you lost him you thought of climbing the fire escape you spotted earlier but decided against it since it was too close to the scene of the assault and it would've been a safer option to find a spot that was further away from the creep. After twisting and turning through a couple of streets, you somehow ended up near your own apartment complex and decided to climb the neighboring roof. Throwing down your backpack and using it as a pillow, you finally relaxed and began admiring the little dancers of the sky till the wee hours of the morning.

[Time Skip]
Checking your phone for the time you see that it's 2:47 AM and decide to head home. You stood up and rubbed your butt because it was freezing as hell and a bit sore from sitting so long.

You were just about to go down the fire escape when you noticed a figure a couple of roofs away just standing there.
At first, you just stood there and looked at him, the more you looked at him the more his silhouette started to look... less human. You were too far away to tell exactly what he was or what he was doing but he looked like he was just, watching something?

Maybe he's looking for someone.
You thought to yourself.

You let yourself stare at the strange person some more before gathering up some courage and deciding to converse with him. Staring was rude after all... and kinda creepy. The rooftops were too far away so jumping was a big no. You looked around and found a ladder on the side of the building he was on. What a lucky coincidence. Deciding that's how you were gonna get up to his roof, you go down the fire escape of your own and head towards him.

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