Late Night Blues

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How uncomfortable.

The problem with being a modern-day, civilized, giant mutant was having to stretch clothes over your ginormous proportions. Although the turtle brothers have been accustomed to clothes since they were just tots, there were still times when the conforming fabrics really did get in the way. Times like this.

Out of the four, Ghost was one of the less sexually active brothers and thus this was never a common issue. But tonight was different. The brothers were currently having a "family night out" and our dear Ghost couldn't exactly solve the problem right then and there. Leaving in the middle of the patrol would only make it more obvious to his brothers. What was he gonna do? Mutants of his size didn't exactly have an easy time with such.... large..proportions. It made even boxers uncomfortable. What was even worse was the fact that mutants have stronger animalistic... instincts, desires even, than any human could have. Ah yes, it was always such an issue when this happened. Luckily for Ghost, nothing was quite physically apparent just yet but to ignore that nagging feeling to have sex was bothering him more than he would've liked.

"Ay! Why don't we just split? Y'know, cover more ground?"

The request of his youngest brother never pleased him more. With a rumbling start in his throat, the large, and very scarred reptiliform spoke up in agreement. "I'm with 'm. 'S the smarter choice." The elder brother was obviously a bit annoyed at his siblings not sticking with his plans and let out a sigh. "Fuckin assholes." He grumbled childishly to himself. "I'm guessin your fuckass agrees too huh." Not even blinking at his brother's antics, Ghost continued to stare at him with his permanent glare for eyes. Sighing once more, Swift had raised his arm in annoyance and shoo'd his brothers away, giving Ghost the ok to stray away from patrol duties and find him a toy for the night.

Sex was anything but foreign to the brothers. Whether the women even realized what they were or not, they'd all willingly let themselves be enjoyed and used by the green men. Of course, none of the women ever saw their 'lovers' again after the night for obvious reason. This time would be no different. Find a toy that'll satisfy him for the night then leave her nothing to kiss goodbye.
Walking into the nearest nightclub, he began pursuit for a suitable little lady who wouldn't be so easy to break.

[Big Time Skip]

A small groan could be heard coming from under the covers of the disheveled bed.

Picking up his beanie from the messy floor and putting it back on, Ghost quietly left the room. It'd be a pain if she woke up and begged him to come back to bed. Not like he'd pay her requests any mind but he liked living up to his name. Leaving the building he took in a breath of the refreshing crisp air and prepared to find his brothers before they found him. It's not that he was embarrassed by the fact he spent an arousing night with a woman, in fact, the brothers were more or less open about it. By that I mean they understood when one had to relieve themselves and never spoke of the details again. Except maybe Swift and M.C.

Just as he was on his way, Ghost felt the buzz of his phone and opened it to see a message from Rebel telling him to meet them back at the crib. He'd also mentioned being quick before Swift went hunting for him in fear that humans got to him or some shit. Scoffing a bit Ghost changed his route and began heading to the location of their home. Although not many people were out at this time of night he still stayed cautious to be out of sight since diving down a manhole into what he calls home isn't exactly something you want others finding out about.
Along the way, he noticed a familiar light in his peripheral vision and looked up to see the warm glow of lights from a window. This wasn't an uncommon sight being as he's from New York but the sight was familiar to him. Why was that? Then it clicked, soft but sudden. Ah, this was the building that one weirdo lives in. The one who for some odd reason never screamed or vomited at the sight of his existence. She was a strange one indeed..

At the moment he wasn't sure what had caused him to act so out of character but he was.... curious. Curious about the woman whom he'd only ever seen once on a strange occasion. Curious to know what she was doing and why her lights were still on. Curious to see her again... Quietly jumping up and landing on her balcony, he found himself looking in past the curtains. Captivated by the sight of her body fast asleep on the floor surrounded by open books and papers, he had only one thought.


Why had he come up just to stare at a girl who'd probably already forgotten about him? Why had he even been curious about her? This wasn't anything like Ghost and frankly, it angered him. A part of him was scared of what this odd change could mean but that only made his anger worse. Why had this change even occurred?! It's not like she was anyone special. If he'd had never known her, he wouldn't even spare her a glance on the streets. He didn't like change. Humans were not something to form close friendships or bonds with. So... why did he care? Just walk away and forget her like you did all the other women who came into your life.

Before he could form another thought, the sound of you moving and groaning made him instinctively leave the area. Strangely enough, however, he never left like he usually would. He stayed in the shadows from across the street and continued to watch your actions in curiosity. He watched as you woke up from your slumber and haphazardly stumbled your way into bed once more. Ghost always had an observant and analytic eye, that being said he made a note that you weren't the most organized person. He didn't even think you were fully awake when he watched you disregard the mess on your bedroom floor and instead tossed yourself back to sleep.
Why'd I stay?
Questioning himself again, he disappeared as quickly as he had come. He could already feel the headache he'd give himself with all this new philosophy to ponder. Oh boy was he pissed.

I hate her. He thought to himself finally. Maybe if he was lucky he'd find something much more appealing to occupy his mind with. Hell, he was even hoping for one of his brothers to do something stupid to change the course of his mind. But the man never sleeps and to his annoyance, he'd find himself questioning himself again.

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