Memory Lane

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(Oops you can tell where I get a bit lazy and rush the writing. I tried making this a little longer than the usual chapters to make up for all the time I've been gone hehe Enjoy!)

You woke up to a messy floor that had been littered with scattered papers, opened books, and a couple of markers. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes and further assessing the mess you would have to clean later, you looked at the pages of the books that you had left open and were reminded of the busy night you had. You spent hours on the floor scribbling notes and annotations from what had been spewed at you but to your dismay, none provided the help you needed on discovering the true identity of 'the ghost' you had encountered.

You got up and began cleaning the mess. Picking up a couple of the books you stacked them neatly in your arms and placed them on your bedside table. In doing so, you noticed a very small but alarming detail. You had exactly 1 hour before your classes for the day started.



Jogging into your first class sweaty and out of breath was not a good look for you as you were always a very neat and put-together person at school.

You walk into class and immediately apologize to your teacher for your mistake. "Well that's all fine and good (Y/N). Do you have last week's assignment for me?" Confused you blinked at them for a moment before you realized what they were talking about.

Oh my fucking god there is no way.

Already sensing the answer from your reaction to the question, your professor shakes their head and waits for you to say something. Again, you apologize profusely and say a lame excuse of how it slipped your mind etc. etc. Your professor being the angel that they are, reaches over into a small bin and hands you another slip of paper. "I'll let this slide but I'm afraid I can't give you any more time for the assignment. I also can't have you redo the topic since it would be unfair to your classmates who did hand this in on time." Ouch. "I will however give you this new assignment. It won't be worth as much but I know you're a good student so I'll give you this chance to save yourself from a zero." You let out a big breath and smiled at your teacher in thanks. Before you could say your thanks to them, your professor put a finger up to stop you as if they sensed you were about to open your mouth. "Your not the only one who needs these credits. I'm having you do this assignment with Ms. O'Neil."


That's the first feeling that had hit you. Next came disgust. Then annoyance. All in a flash. "Is there no way I could just do this on my own? I work best that way." There was no way you were gonna do this with her. You couldn't even stand to look at her, there was no way you were gonna be able to sit and communicate with her for long periods of time just to get an assignment finished. "I'm afraid not this time." Your professor replied with no care. "It'll be easier for me once it's handed in and frankly I'd prefer if this particular assignment was done in a group." The way your professor began doing other teacher things or whatever had signaled to you that it was the end of the conversation. You could complain more about having to do partner work but you just couldn't be bothered today. And if we're being honest whining to your teacher about a minor detail like this after missing an assignment isn't the most polite thing to do. It's not like you could explain why you disliked this decision either. Such stories aren't exactly something you dump on your teachers.

Hopefully, I can finish this fast enough to forget the whole experience. You try to comfort yourself as you walk towards a free table. The one and only April was sitting there and kinda looked like she had been waiting for you to arrive. You noticed her eyebrows raise for a second when she had realized it was you who came to sit by her. The both of you hadn't said anything for a bit and instead awkwardly scribbled your own things on paper. April had tried to make some small conversation but you were being difficult and only gave her very short and blunt responses. You hadn't even tried to look up at her or meet her eyes. The whole situation and treatment of both ends was making the both of you slowly grow more and more annoyed with each other. You were planning on just doing this the whole class until you could go home and do your portion of the work and hand it in the next day. It was apparent to you however that this plan wouldn't play out for you the moment April had lashed out angrily. "Ok, just what is your problem with me?! You've been holding this grudge against me for ages now (Y/N) can you please just tell me what I even did to you."
Whatever she was trying to attempt with that line, she obviously was not going to get her desired results. "Oh that's rich." You say back "What did you even do?? Did I really just hear you say that"

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