Studies and Searching

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Sighing heavily as you reach your bedroom, you threw your bag and coat on a chair and pulled out your laptop. The search wasn't going to be an easy one but you were desperate for answers. Anything that could provide a lead for you. This kind of stuff only happened in fantasy right? There's no way that something..someone like that could possibly exist. It just wasn't possible!

You began scouring the internet for any articles, news, or studies that could possibly be linked to the strange green creature you have previously encountered. At first, it was just simple, lame google searches about 'turtle men', 'green men in New York', 'can human hybrids exist?', 'are human hybrids real?', etc., etc. As your research became more intense and almost desperate, you began searching on some of the deepest parts of the web and still no luck on anything. You didn't think the search would last as long as it did but after hours, you were finally pushed to your limits and you gave up in anger. "Arggh!" You yelled as if it was the internet's fault for having minimal answers, "none of this makes sense! How can there be nothing?! I mean, it would seem a little impossible but no! I know I wasn't seeing things or-or imagining it but- ARGGGH!!!" Throwing the laptop off your lap, you threw on something warm over what you had been wearing and decided to walk off the steam.

After only walking a few blocks, you began waiting for a crosswalk light when you noticed an elderly woman beside you drop a couple of her items. Deciding to go against the grain and help her pick it up, her warm and thankful smile caused a thought to strike your mind. It wasn't too strange of an idea but it might prove to be just as difficult as asking an incel to develop basic human empathy. Maybe, my sources weren't the best to begin with? The stereotype goes that the old holds knowledge right? Maybe... maybe the library might have some answers? You furrowed your eyes in deep concentration as you silenced out the world and delved deeper into the premise of the idea. The more you thought about it the more you agreed that it might just prove useful to you, the only question now was which library? There are tons of book stores and public libraries around this city but would any of them have answers to such an obscure topic as the one you were currently "researching?"

All of a sudden a loud and dragging sound had ripped you away from your thoughts. A car sped past you with the driver's middle finger sticking out the window right at you. Fuck. You had been crossing the street much too slow for the likes of this busy city.

[Time skip]
After stopping by a nearby bookstore, you made it back to your apartment without running into any other inconveniences. The store you were just in wasn't much help but fortunately for you, they provided maps of every other bookstore AND library around the next couple miles! Deciding to ask for alternative help, you opened a bee icon app on your phone and began typing up a post. BUZZ, the app, had grown popular recently and it was a pretty useful social media site. Anyone could ask questions, respond and help others, or post about the latest news and whatnot. You weren't a big social media person but having an anonymous blog could be nice sometimes.

"Topic: Libraries in NYC

so I'm doing some research for this really strange thing but to sum it up it's basically about human-animal hybrids. I've gone as far as the deep web and nothing seems to be useful? I thought about checking out some libraries to see if they had any ancient knowledge about past studies or something I could use but idk. Any ideas?"

It had only been a moment since you posted it but BUZZ was a fast forum and millions were constantly online. That and the app's users were predominantly youth who had too much spare time in their unfulfilling lives. Scrolling through the responses people gave you, none of them were too special. A couple of people had suggested looking into biology books that might help provide answers on how a hybrid's genetic material, biology, etc. would be like. If their existence was possible of course. You made a mental note to check that out some time. Then a certain response had caught your attention.

Sarah Lynn responds:

"I'm not sure which part of the city you live in but there's this really underground library that might be helpful for you! It's basically like the new Library of Alexandria I swear! You can find some pretty old books and shit in there, in fact, some of them are so old that they have dust in them sometimes 🤢 I go there sometimes to do research for my ancient greek and mythology classes. I wouldn't recommend using the computers there tho, those are pretty ancient too LOL! Good luck!!!! ~~ (link to a location attached)"

Library of Alexandria huh? You thought to yourself as you clicked the link to see just how far you might have to travel to get there. You'd have to take a couple of train stops and maybe a bus ride or two but nothing too alarming. Besides, you liked taking adventures around the city if it wasn't already super obvious. Bookmarking the response, you decided to leave this matter for the next day or whenever you were free next. You still had university classes to attend and an essay that you hadn't even started on yet. You were about to reach for your notebooks and start typing up your essay when something flickered in your peripheral vision. Quickly turning your head towards the balcony window, you didn't notice anything odd but after that one dramatic encounter, your body sprung up and rushed towards the window like it was an instinct. Admittedly, some small part of you was hoping, wishing even, that it was the strange mutant from before. You just had to see him again. You had to know what he was. Who he was. What had he been doing that night? How did a creature like him get such human clothes and even a weapon? There were too many questions that he had left unanswered.

Searching and scanning the area that was visible from the window provided you with, nothing. There was nothing outside except for the usual plastic bag drifting through the wind on the street. Although there was no visible threat, something inside of you told you that it had to be something. You were then compelled, maybe by impulse, to get a better look. As dangerous as the decision might've been, you stepped out the balcony and climbed the fire escape stairs to the roof. You stood there, shivering and probably looking like an idiot but none of that was on your mind right now. Not even if your nipples were stabbing your shirt. Fuck this wind. Looking around again but with a wider view of the area, nothing seemed to be out of the blue. Maybe it was just a leaf or something I saw flying by. Sighing in defeat, you began starting your way towards the stairs to head back down when you noticed it. Noticed them. The devilishly striking, wine blood eyes that were watching you. They were drinking you in. All of you. Feeling exposed by the piercing gaze but not being able to pry away from their trance, you let out the name "Ghost" in a breathy whisper. You weren't sure if it was fear, awe, or curiosity that froze you in place but you weren't given the chance to comprehend your emotions as the moment you opened your eyes from a blink, they were gone. Those enchanting eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness of the night with their glow were gone as quickly as they had appeared.

After a couple of seconds of just standing on the cold rooftop, your brain finally caught up and understood what had just happened. At first, you were terrified. And rightly so. How did the unrealistic, giant, green creature that had only previously spared your life find you? How did it know where you were? Does this mean it knew all along? For how long had it been watching you? Will it pose a threat from now on? Then your thought became angrier, more at yourself than him. Why did you just let it go?! This was your chance for answers but instead, you just stood there and stared like a dumb fucking baby. Who knows when you'll see him again-IF you even see him again. You pinched your eyes shut and stomped your foot before looking up at the sky and yelling out in annoyance "FUUUCK!"

At least now I know why he's named Ghost.

Fucking jackass.

Despite the rest of your night being rather productive, writing your essay and whatnot which would have been pretty distracting to anyone else, you weren't able to shut your eyes for sleep without once again thinking of him. Just why was he so alluding to you? Why are you even drawn to him? If you really wanted this manhunt to end like you keep telling yourself, you could just report it to the police and move on with your life, maybe even be more careful to avoid future meetings at night. But no. You didn't want to. Whether you accepted that or even realized it, you didn't want to. Why?

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