Blackstar x Reader

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Requested by: I think I've seen a few requests for Blackstar, but this is kind of a story for myself (my own idea) because I love Blackstar! So this one is to no one in particular.

Your clan: None, rogue

Your gender: She-cat

Notes: This chapter will be taking place around the book 'Eclipse' from The Power of Three, so if you want to know the allegiances, check that book! Other than that, you don't need to know much else. Also, (R/N) = your rogue name.


You padded slowly through the lush, green forest. Your senses were filled with the strong scent of prey all around you; You'd never seen even a greenleaf that was this rich with prey. Greenleaf normally brought prey, yes, but this season seemed even more plentiful.

You'd only just ate not long ago, so you didn't have much interest in hunting at the moment. You were just enjoying a calm stroll through the forest.

You wanted to go towards the lake, but you had been told to stay clear of the land around it. Groups of cats lived around it, and your friend, (Friend's name) had told you that they were far from friendly. They were especially strict about their 'territory' and would gladly kill a cat who strayed too close.

You had insisted to (Friend) that you could handle yourself, but they'd told you how many of the wild cats there were, and you'd suddenly felt hesitant. Savages. You thought bitterly. How was it fair for an entire forest to be claimed by a group of cats? You'd lived around here all your life, if anything, the forest should belong to you! 

Either way, you found it frustrating that you couldn't go to the lake to relax like you used to when you were younger. Or... Maybe you could? If you avoided any other cats and tried to sneak through the old pine forest, you could make it. Memories flooded your mind as you thought of the pine forest where your mother used to take you on the way to the lake. The scent of pine sap always filled your mouth, and you hadn't been there since your mother had died from sickness.

I'll go, You decided. Those savages can't stop me! You veered off, heading deeper into the woods. You could fight quite well, and if there were too many to fight, you were also a fast runner. Either way, you'd be able to handle yourself.

You traveled for a while, until finally the faint smell of pine sap hit your nose. Though it was faint, it was sharp, and full of memories.

You were almost there. Maybe it'd be best to slow down, and sneak forward.

You slowed your pace, and dropped into a crouch. You eased yourself forward, until finally the forest began to change around you into what seemed like an entirely new forest; you crept deeper into the pine forest, avoiding big open spots and sneaking from bush to bush.

This is easy! You thought, your chest fluttering with excitement. I haven't even seen any cats. Maybe this part of the forest was never claimed.

As you continued through the pines, you stopped to take a short break. A few scraps of leaves and debris clung to your pelt, so once you'd settled comfortably underneath some brambles, you turned and began to groom your fur.

The strong, sharp scent of pine still filled your senses, and you found it hard to smell anything else. 

You tensed up with horror as you heart pawsteps coming from somewhere, and you pushed yourself closer to the ground. Please, don't let them find me!

You silently cursed yourself for deciding to head towards the lake. You were already regretting your decision. Why couldn't you have just listened to your friend about the danger?

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