A Few Months Later

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Your P.O.V

4 months ( I forgot how long it took to beat da first floor, help a sister out) that's how long we have been in this game so far. We haven't even found the boss room yet! I looked over at my progress bar 54. Apparently the higher the level you are, the harder it is to level. I forgot that.


how long is this gonna take, months, years? I-I miss my family. I was just about to have my daily crying session when I realized that meeting I was supposed to go to. Seeing as I was already a bit late, I took my time.

When I arrived I definitely wasn't noticed.... A guy with weird spiky hair was going on and on about something so no one really saw me sit down.

Well that argument went on longer then it should have. Something about beta testers cheating? Meh, I don't care.

Time skip a while

"Ok, now to defeat the boss we will need to form parties."

I have no friends.....

well crap. I look over and see that everyone has already got a party all ready. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I look towards the end of the seats and see two people that look like their forming a party, guess I have no choice.

I walk over and say, "Hey, so I have no party and seeing as you don't have many people can I join your party?" I hate this so much

The girl in the hood just nods while the dude says ok! After forming the party I go home to get ready for the boss battle in the morning.

"Hmmm. I guess I should look at their names at least." I go to the party and look at the names, Asuna and.... Kir- Kirito?

Why does that sound familiar???

*sits and thinks intensely for 3 seconds*

"Yea, I've been thinking too much, time for bed!!!!!"

Time skip because I don't have to come up with a funny saying every time skip

"Uhshshshshhgghghghg..... its morning." I woke up and got ready for the big boss raid. I walked to the spot where we were all supposed to meet and started to make battle plans.

After a LOOOONNNGGG time of explaining Asuna what, "switch" meant we made it to the raid.

"ok, I know we all can do this. Don't let the game beat you!" Diablo said.

Then, like any other cliché moment, everyone screamed and ran inside.

Time skip cause that fat boss shook time

whelp..... Diablo's dead...WhAT ArE wE GoNnA dO?!?!?

Everyone was running around trying to get a hit on the boss. After Diablo died me a Kirito stepped up our game and tried everything we could to hit the boss.

After a few seconds I got an idea.

"HEY, KIRITO, ASUNA!! I GOT AN IDEA!!" After explaining it was time to actually do this crazy plan only people in movies would do.

*intense battle music*

Kirito ran forward while me and Asuna ran back. Then Asuna gave me a boost and threw me forward.

Then at that exact moment Kirito jumped up and I got another boost off his back. And then finally me and Kirito both screamed like anime characters as we sliced through the beast. Long story short.... WE WON!

Also, not only that but I got a most damage gift! Ill look at it later.

"HEY!" I looked behind me and saw spikey hair guy

"You....YOU LET DIABLO DIE! BOTH OF YOU!" I saw he was talking to both me and Kirito.

"What are you talking about?" I said, "We never let him die! Kirito tried to save him!"

"Yea!" said Kirito

After his speech about "beaters"

Kirito looked down ashamed. I on the other hand..... laughed like a maniac

"A beater huh? I like it, what do you think Kirito?"

He looked up and suddenly got a bit happier, "yea, I like the ring to it, don't you G/N"


Me and Kirito began to leave when Asuna went to talk to Kirito for a moment. I totally ship them.

As I was walking out I saw Kirito running after me.

"Hey! G/N wait!" he yelled

"Wassup?" I asked.

"well," he started, "i was wondering if you maybe wanted to go hunt with me. I mean we fough really good together and-"

"No." I said, then I started to walk away.

"No? But, I thought-"

"look, you seem nice but, I work alone. I don't like.........people, I guess ill see you around?"

"Yea, see you around...."

Then I walked away, heh what are the chances of me seeing him again? Ill bet a million dollars I will never see Kirito EVER again....

Well reader...YOU ARE WRONG!!! HAHAHAHAHA. Better cough up that million cause, what would a Kirito x reader be without Kirito??? Welp, I hop you enjoyed and will keep reading! Also, feel free to comment!! They make me all warm and fuzzy inside! BAIIIIIII!

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