Ship Sailed....Yay??

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Author-Chan P.O.V

Time has passed, G/N still works alone, the longer she is away from her beloved Kirito, the stronger the bond between him and Asuna gets. It has been almost a year since G/N saw Kirito... She is still expecting her million dollars, but soon, shes gonna be down a million.

Your P.O.V

I got back to my house and took off the battle armor I got during the first boss battle. It was called, "The Emperors Refuge", it was F/C with S/F/C boots and black gloves.

 It was called, "The Emperors Refuge", it was F/C with S/F/C boots and black gloves

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*Dis but in your colors*

It was super awesome and gave me extra protection against enemies. After I got changed I looked at the time, "11:43 p.m, I guess Ill go for a walk."

As I was walking, I saw that not many people were out. It was almost too empty.

'Oh well, who cares?' I thought, I just continued walking and looked up at the sky. "The stars look so real." I stopped and reached my hand out, as if I was going to grap a handful of the sky.

But then out of no where, a random dude came up and started to fight me! "What the-UGH" I stated as I got my sword out, "This is NOT what I need right now!" I tried to hit him but he blocked my sword and flug it out of my hand, crap.

"GIVE ME ALL YOUR COL AND ITEMS!" the attacker said. I looked over at my map to see that I wasnt in a safe zone so he could kill me. "NOW!" he yelled

"ok! Ok!" Just as i was about to transfer everything to the man, he got pushed back. "Wha?" I looked over and saw a black figure fighting the man.

In the end, the mysterious figure won, and the attacker ran off like a little child. I didnt know if this guy was a threat to me soooo.... I kinda tackled him and pushed my dagger to his throat. "Who are you?" I asked, "wow, thats one way to say, 'thanks'" he said.

I then removed the dagger hesitantly and asked him once again who he was and why he attacked that guy. "Oh, well you seemed to need some help so I was gladly able to help." After he finished I gave him the, 'You-forgot-something' look. "Oh right!," he said, "Im Kirito. And you are....??"

I stood there with shock, Kirito? That guy from the boss battle? So, it turns out 1)I owe someone a million dollars and 2) I was staring off into space for like 3 minutes.

"uhhh, helllooo?" Kirito said

"Wha!? Oh, right! Im G/N, I think we met before."

"G/N? Oh yea! I remember!" He then engulfed me in a hug.....its been a while since someone hugged me so I just stood there like a idiot with my eyes so big you could fit a planet in it. He then let go, and didnt even ask any questions.

"So, do you wanna come get a drink with me? It was gonna just be me and Asuna but, your welcome to come." he said.

"Oh, I remember Asuna! Yea, Id love too."

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