So they are friends...?

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Your P.O.V

Ive been working at the maid café for about, 4-5 months now. Me and Jane have become close friends in and out of work. I would say the only bad thing about my job is having to deal with E/B/N 2 times a day, every week, of every month. And the fact that KIRITO STILL HASNT COME HERE YET! Hes too busy with his, "wife" who in my opinion is a big fat- 


I stop in my thoughts as I hear the little bell attached to the door ring. I look behind the counter and I see E/B/N. 'greeeaaat' I thought to myself as I start to walk over to him, pre-paring for the worst, when I see that there is someone behind him. 

I take a closer look and guess who I see. Kirito.

The stud in the flesh, with the horrible ex-boyfriend

This will be both interesting and horrible

"Welcome back masters", I say not making eye-contact with Kirito seeing as he hasn't noticed it was me yet. "Let me lead you to your seat." I walked them over to the booth, (as far away from the counter as possible) handed them their menus, and walked away. 

Kirito P.O.V

"Come on and join me for lunch" E/B/N said. I met him during a hunt I was on alone. He kinda saved my behind. Ever since then we've become quite close. "My treat! I know the best place!" he said once more. "Alright! Lets go." I replied as he lead me to a restaurant that was called a 'maid café?' 

When we walked in, a lady in a maids uniform addressed us as her "masters" (which was a bit much in my opinion) and then lead us to our seats. I didn't really get a good look at her, for she didn't look at me at all, but I could have sworn she looked familiar.

"Isnt this place great?" E/B/N said. "Yea, it really is something!" I replied, looking at the interior of the café.

"Do you come here alot? Is their food good?" I ask

"Yea, the food is ok, but I have other reasons for coming here." he replied. I kept looking at him, giving him the, go-on-and-tell-me-your-reasons look (Author-Chan just love looks doesn't she XD)

He laughed a little and then started talking. 

"Well I come here everyday, 7 times a week, just so I can annoy that waitress." He said as he pointed to the one who was serving us.

"Uh, why? I mean, that's some dedication for one person." I asked

"She was my ex in the real world. What are the chances huh?!"

Wow, that really was a small chance for them to meet. But it is kinda funny.

The we waited for the waitress to come back.

Your P.O.V


"No! They are your customers and you will serve them" She replied back, with sass I may add.

Seeing as I have been begging for over 10 minutes, I gave up and walked over to Kirito's and E/B/N's booth. "Hello, Im sorry I kept you waiting! Have you decided your order?"  I said as cheerful as possible.

"Yes, I shall have the usual dearie." E/B/N said as he winked at me. 

My mouth twitched a little as I then turned for Kirito, for the first time today.

"And for you?" I asked, acting like I didn't know it was him.

"Yes, I'll have the-G/M?" He said.


Time skip

After work I walk home and fall on my bed.

"I am the dumbest person to ever live." I said to myself as I remember what happened.


"And for you?" I asked, acting like I didn't know it was him.

"Yes, I'll have the-G/M?" He said.


His eyes went a bit wide as he looked at the outfit I was wearing. And was it just me or did he turn a bit red. 

And then me, thinking he went red, I WENT RED!

And then there was silence.






"So nothing for you, oh would you look at the time! My shift is over, i will make sure you get your food, ok? Bye!"

And then I ran out of the café. 

There is no authors note..... I'm not dead

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