Living by a Social Status

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I sighed deeply at the thought of spending another day of me acting like a total bitch to someone at school.

I was currently in senior year and wasn't having the best high school life, but anyone would swap their social status with mine without thinking twice about it!

I wasn't your average high school girl, I was the one who got all the guys,

-But they all treated you like dirt-

Got 'friends' that would do your dirty work for you,

-Not like they are actually trust worthy friends- and was the captain of the cheerleading team.

I guess you could call me the stuck up snob that pushes all the other people around. You would think I would like it but I actually hate it!

I hate being mean when I know what it felt like when I was the one being bullied.

The only reason I became 'popular' -as one would say- was because of my bad ass, hot looking brother,

-obviously I didn't think he was hot.-

He took me to all the clubs and all the parties even though I wasn't allowed to go, which caused me to become a rebel, to start becoming mean to everyone around me.

I had my own car and always drove myself to and back from school, I enjoyed the freedom.

I pulled down the sun shield and opened the tiny mirror to check my make-up, I quickly grabbed my make-up bag off the floor of my car and applied some eyeliner, I pouted my lips and smiled at myself in the mirror.

I wore a short, blue ruffled dress that came to the middle of my thigh making my legs seem longer, normally I would wear my cheerleading outfit but today I didn't have practice or any competition so I decided I would be different for a change.

My feet clicked on the ground as my black high heels hit the tar road -trust me they aren't so high that I can't walk in them- as I climbed out of the car. I leaned back into the car and grabbed my purse off of my seat,

"Time to put your mean face on." I said to myself while locking the car, I put this smug face on and walked like a model towards the high school building, I could tell I was turning heads -and scaring some of my victims away- I smirked as I entered the building.

I walked straight towards my locker and checked my make-up again.

Once I was in the zone of being a snob, it was like second nature to me.


Hay everyone, thank you for reading the first part of my story, this is my second book so please let me know what you think of it as you read it and PLEASE VOTE!!!



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