Camping-Part 1

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As you all well know, my face is pretty stuffed up considering I got beaten by my ex-bestfriend I mean who does that? Oh I know, someone that is beyond jealous. It was Friday afternoon and I have to say it wasn't the most warmest days, the clouds were rolling in from over the mountain. Which was where we were heading.

Yip I was going camping.

How fun! Not.

Firstly the woods always decide to plot against me and turn my hair into a living pompom. Secondly my body doesn't act well to cold weather which was why I said to Riley that we should go in summer but nooo the weather decided to plot again and make clouds where we were camping! I mean come on! And thirdly... Bugs! I swear they have an alliance with the weather because I always tend to have a spider or a bee or a snake in my bed!

So over all. I hate camping!

My dad and River were staying at home, Riley and I were older enough to go camping on our own now, which I preferred, I didn't want to take my baby brother on holiday were he would be crying all day and night. My mom was going to move back with her boyfriend and then we would alternate weekends with spending time with River.

I was actually busy watching the clouds as I stood by Riley's car, waiting for him to finish packing the cooler box, tent and all that other stuff we needed into the boot.

"Are you gonna just stand there and wait for the clouds to disappear or are you going to help me so we can go fetch Louis?" Riley said in a strained tone as he carried my suitcase out.

"Yip." I said simply while examining my nails. The least bit concerned that Riley was battling with my suitcase.

"You're going to be cold in what you're wearing." Riley said bringing another box.

I looked down at my simple shorts and tank top.

"I'll be fine," I mumbled and continued to examine my nails.

Riley grunted some few choice words and I smirked a little.

I was getting him back for inviting Louis along, don't get me wrong I like Louis and all but I wanted this weekend to be mine and Riley's time and now it's going to be Riley and Louis's time with me as the cleaner, in other words the third wheel.

"Done!" Riley shouted towards me as he slammed the boot shut.

I muttered to myself as I got into the back seat while Riley got into the front.

I sighed as I lay my head against the window and watched the trees go past in a blur as we drove towards Louis and Rachel's house.

Before I knew it we were there and Louis was getting into the front seat just after he dumped his tent and suitcase into the back.

"Hay Becca," Louis said softly.

"Hi." I grumbled as I continued to look out the window in a bad mood.

"Ignore her, she doesn't want to go back to where she belongs... the woods." Riley said, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I am not on-you know what never mind." I said in an annoyed toned and then rolled my eyes at them, I have to say my mood was as bad as the clouds looked, dark, black, not friendly.

We drove on towards the campsite, it was at least an hour and a half away from home which wasn't too bad.

The green trees started to get taller and taller as we went over the mountain including more bush appeared, the more we traveled to the campsite the more the clouds dissappered which was putting me into a little bit of a better mood.

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