Good or Bad News?

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I lay on the couch, my body aching and my nose running. I had scrunched up tissues all around me. It was Sunday and I felt like hell. I had been sick for a whole week! Ever since Louis and Riley decided to throw me into the pool.

The house was dead quiet. The reason for that was becuase everyone left me. River was with my mom, My dad was doing a half day at work (Night Shift) and Riley and Louis went to a soccer game, might I add that Riley took Jordan with.

Considering I had been lying on this couch the whole day and it was night now, I was starving! But anything I ate I wanted to throw up or I never even felt like eating.

I hadn't been to school some of the days this week because of exams but now I was done! Summer break here I come. In fact I was actually done with that hell hole called school but the only way I had to enjoy it was to sit on the couch and blow my nose. At least I was getting better. I felt way better than Wednesday when I did have an exam.

I closed my eyes and smiled as enjoyed the silence. With River not being here. The house was an odd quiet.

I could feel myslelf drifting off just as I heard the door open. I didn't have the energy to open my eyes though.

"She's still asleep, just be quiet." I could tell that was Riley's voice.

"Let me see?" Louis said and I heard him walk closer.

I sighed and fluttered my eyes open, "Great Louis, your heavy feet woke her up." Riley said and hit Louis on the arm slightly.

I chuckled at there stupidity and smiled a bit.

"Well at least she isn't shouting at us." Riley whispered and I rolled my eyes as I sat up slowly.

"You boys are so stupid." I said as I grabbed a few tissues.

"You do mean your brother right?" Louis said pointing at Riley.

"I said boys not brother, Louis."

Louis smiled and sat down next to me, putting his arms around me as I leaned into his chest.

Louis lightly kissed my head. "How are you feeling?" He asked soflty.


"Are you better enough to kiss?" Louis said, I could hear the humor in his voice.

"Eww gross no." Riley said eyeing me and Louis out.

I could feel Louis's chest vibrating from laughter.

"Babe?" I whispered in a croaky voice.

"Yes?" Louis replied.

"I'm hungry." I stated as I moaned into his chest.

"Okay, I'll make you something." Louis said as he got up.

I sighed and flopped down on my side again.

"Where's Jordan?" I asked looking at Riley.

"We dropped her off on the way here." Riley replied, his eyes glued to the tv.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Riley, he is so clueless with love lives.

"Riley, you are dating her now. You have to spend time with her, bring her home." I said just as Louis came out with a sandwhich.

"Thanks," I whispered as he put the cheese sandwhich on my lap.

"I spent the whole day with her." Riley complained.

"Do you not want to see her? Spend time with her?" I asked.

"Yes but It's just that I'm not use to this and I don't want to scare her off." Riley said seeming annoyed with himself.

I took a bite of my sandwhich and Louis sat down next to me again.

"You won't Riley and I will tell you if she thinks otherwise."

I had finished the first half of the sandwhich and I already started to feel like I needed to throw up.

I breathed deeply to try and get the feeling to pass. Luckily it did.

"I need to talk to you." Louis whispered into my ear.

I nodded, "when?"

"Maybe tomorrow when you are feeling a bit better." Louis said looking slightly hesitant.

"Louis, tell me now." I was starting to get a bit worried. Was I overreacting?

Louis looked over to Riley, but Riley was looking at the TV.

"I'm leaving again." Louis whispered but I had heard perfectly clear.

My throat suddenly became dry.


"I'm leaving ag-"

"I heard you Louis." I shouted, which gained Riley's attention.

"Becca, I'm trying to sort things out so I don't leave." Louis said trying to fix the situation.

"How long have you known for?" I asked softly.

"A few weeks ago," Louis said softly.

"And you specifically started dating me just to leave me afterwards?" I shouted,

"No it's not like that, I thought it wasn't going to happen." Louis said,

"What's going on?" Riley asked, he was now fully concentrated on us.

"Louis, you know just as my life is finally normal you want to leave me." I stated and got up from the couch, my legs still weak as I tried to walk to the stairs.

I flopped down on the first step and sighed to myself.

I rested my head on top of my knees as I tried to catch my breath. I felt an arm go around my shoulder and I looked up to find Louis.

"I will do everything I can to stay here. I don't want to leave you." He whispered.

I smiled a bit and gave him a small nod before resting my head in the crook of his shoulder.

"You're too special to me." Louis whispered.

"You ok?" I lifted my head and saw Riley standing in front of us.

I nodded and stood up slowly.

"What happened back there?" Riley asked.

"Louis might be leaving." I replied as I walked up the stairs, both boys following behind me.

"Where to?" Riley asked,

"My parents want to go to London for a bit." Louis said to Riley.

"But I think I'm going to stay for Becca."

I smiled at that, I was still upset though, because it wasn't a definite that Louis would stay.

"Guys I'm going to go to sleep." I stated just before I went into my room.

"Wait." Louis called out and ran up to me as I turned around.

Louis slipped his arms around my waist and pressed his soft lips against my mouth for a short while before pulling away.

"See you tomorrow beautiful." Louis whispered.

I giggled and hugged him, I looked over his shoulder and I saw Riley standing in the distance trying not to look our way which made me laugh even more.

I pulled away and Louis kissed my forehead.

"You better take some medicine, or else you're going to get sick." I whispered.

Louis nodded and kissed me shortly on the lips again. Louis pulled away and was smirking. I lent against the door frame of my room as I watched him walk back to Riley.

"Dude, what did I tell you about kissing my sister in front of me. It's damn awkward man." Riley said as softly as he could say it,

I chuckled and slipped into my room, closing the door behind me.

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