Monday Blues

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I walked into my closet and grabbed a pair of black polkadot shorts and my my black tank top that showed my curves, I grabbed my black high heeled wedges and slipped them on,

I did my hair in a side braid and put a flower clip in my hair just where the braid started,

I applied some light make-up on and my favourite red lipstick,

I walked past Riley's room and could tell that he was still asleep, I got downstairs and put two pieces of bread into the toaster, I grabbed the strawberry Jam and butter out the fridge just before my toast popped.

I quickly ate my toast and was ready for the day, I walked into the garage and saw my dads car was still not there, I got into my car trying to ignore the fact that my dad was going to miss work because of his drunken state and drove to school.

I got out the car and straightened my outfit, I walked down the path way, swaying my hips from side to side when I saw Kayla scolding at a girl two grades below us,

I ignored it and walked inside towards my locker,

"Becca!" Lucy said as she ran up to me,

"Hay Lu," I replied as I closed my locker,

"What's up?" I asked as we walked to class, "Nothing much," Lucy replied softly,

I walked along the hallways next to Lucy and then saw Jordan sitting on a bench all alone, I walked up to her and smiled,

"Hay Jord," I said softly, Jordan looked up and smiled,

"Hay" Jordan said shyly,

I looked over to Lucy and she was glaring at Jordan I frowned and then heard a voice behind me,

"Hayy Girls!" Kayla said sarcastically,

"Can you please leave Jordan alone," Kayla said clearly annoyed, I rolled my eyes at her,

"Ka-" I started saying but was cut off by Lucy,

"Sure Kayla, thank you," Lucy said and then grabbed my wrist pulling me away from Kayla and Jordan,

"What the hell Lucy!" I screamed as I ripped my arm out of her grip,

"Rebecca if you don't get your act together Kayla is going to take over," Lucy said snapping back at me,

"What?" I said frowning at Lucy, was she seriously saying that if I don't do something nasty Kayla will take my place,

"You heard me Rebecca," Lucy said more calmly,

I looked at her shocked and I knew I had to get my act together, when just on time Jordan came running towards us,

"Oh My Word I'm so sorry for my sisters behaviour Becca," Jordan said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Jordan stop being an Idiot, your sister was right, how can you ever be friends with such popular girls," I said coldly and then turned around leaving Jordan behind me,

I saw Amy laughing by the lockers with Kenton and decided I would up my performance a bit more.

"Hi Amy," I said smirking at her, she looked over to me and her smile dropped from her face,

"Long time no see, I see that arm of yours is all better," I continued to say,

"What do you want Rebecca," Amy said bravely,

"Aww I see you getting all confident now?" I said, she looked besides her and Kenton was leaving, and I heard her sigh,

"You were talking to Kenton? Oh I'm sorry but I dont think he is interested hunny..." I commented on Kenton leaving,

"Rebecca I thought you were done with all these little games of yours?" Amy said glaring at me,

"What games?" I asked innocently, Amy rolled her eyes and I acted fast, grabbing her arm and making her face me,

"Don't think you can get all smart with me Amy, there is always a reason why I pick the ones I don't like," I said and then pushed her arm away, and then pumped her shoulder as I walked past her,

I was back to my usual self, with Lucy trying to catch up and me being a terrible person,

"Nice Becca!" Lucy said as she eventually caught up, I turned around to face her,

"Lucy shut up!" I snapped and then continued to walk away, I was annoyed and Lucy's high pitched voice just added fuel to the fire,

I continued to walk to the classroom and saw Kenton walking towards me and I plastered a fake smile on to my face,

"Hay Becca," Kenton said as he hugged me.

"Hey." I replied shyly,

Kenton pulled away and ran his fingers through his chocolate brown hair and smiled at me, I literally wanted to faint, but he looked straight through me,

I turned around and saw Amy standing a feet away from me, I could see she was blushing at how he noticed her, I glared and then walked away from Kenton.

"Nice seeing you Becca," Kenton said as I left, I muttered under my breath and continued to walk to class.

I entered the classroom confidently and saw Jordan with her head down at her desk, usually I would sit next to her but I decided not to, I moved through the rows of desks and sat next to Lucy.

Lucy looked up and gave me a weak smile, I leant down and grabbed my heavy books from my bag when I felt someone's presence in front of me, I looked up and saw Jordan glaring at me,

"Rebecca what on earth was that earlier on?" Jordan asked bravely,

"Jordan, hear me out, I don't want to cause a scene but please move I don't want you in my bubble," I snapped at her,

"There you go again being a bitch!" Jordan said nearly screaming, I sighed and stood up from my chair so that I was at eye level with her,

"Jordan just accept the fact that you are not cut out for the popularity group," I snapped and then sat down again,

Jordan looked horrified but stormed away trying to not be effected, until Kayla came,

"Aww look at you, seems like I have some competition," Kayla said smirking at me,

"Nice try Kayla but you have been here 2 days and well I have been here for my whole school career," I said coldly, Kayla gave me a weak smile and then walked away from me, like she owned the place.

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