Tuesday 1:09 PM

134 13 14

Tuesday 1:09 PM


Hey where ya been!


What's happening in your life

Ooh it's rare u take an interest

Yeah well tell me something

No sarcastic response u feelin okay lol?


Oh well uh don't worry im here to make u feel better


What do u want jokes or somethi?

Doesnt matter

Okay hmm...

I'm gonna go with jokes which r so bad they r funny

Oh no

Why can't u hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?

Cuz the p is silent

That's so sad

How does a train eat?

It goes chew chew

Wow. Just wow

Knock knock

Who's there

Britney Spears

Britney Spears who?

Knock knock

Wait what about the other one

Knock knock

Sighwhos there

Oops I did it again

And that's where I cut you off

Change the subject

Harsh but fine

Song lyrics?

Hello no


Oh I did go back and rewatch the incredibles

You finally said something smart

It is good but it still doesn't beat toy story

And you ruined it

That movie is so beautiful. And I mean the song u got a friend in me so feels I can't explain
So as u gotta friend in me and I honestly don't know what else to say

R u okay really?

If u dontmind me askin

U dont hav to answer

Just say so and I'll change the topic and spew song lyrics or soem shit

She's dead

Holy shit



Shit man

Idk what to say

Idk what to do

I cried for nearly a day

I haven't moved from my bed in two

I haven't talked to anyone

Idk what to do

I just feel idek

I dontnhow to help

But um why dont u start s random funny show and tell me your reaction

Mindless comedy fixes many problems

That sounds stupid

And I would try it by headphones and the remote are further away I don't wanna move

Why don't u read fanfics or manga they can b mindless and numbing yet entertaining for hours

Guess I could do that



I'm always here

Good you can't leave

I lost her and now I'm about to lose Mickey. I can't lose anyone else

You can't get rid of me

I'll always be here :)

Thanks asshole

I needed that


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