Drummers Against Guitarists

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''You sure will be fine without us, Ritchie?''A certain George Harrison asked his short bandmate, Ringo Starr.

''I'll be perfectly fine, Geo, stop worrying about me.'' Ringo answered.Ringo was to be alone for the night while George and the rest of the Beatles were at a party. Normally Ringo was happy about going to huge parties with the boys, but Ringo needed some time alone. The drummer said that he wanted to go to a bar by himself, but George wanted Ringo to stay with him. The drummer believed he could be fine without George or anyone else, especially he did need time alone.

George sighed, he didn't quite actually think Ringo could be alone, since he was short. Someone as short as Ringo could be harmed or harassed in the violent of ways. ''Alright, but if you need us, just come and find us.''George concluded.

Ringo sighed,''Alright, bye Geo.'' With that the two boys hugged, and then Ringo walked.

George and Ringo had such a special connection with each other. Since the day Ringo had been left the Hurricanes for The Beatles, those two bore a vary special connection. Since the day George had saved Ringo from an abusive Rory, Ringo had grown to fall in love with him. However, such feelings of queer could end with utter consequences. Truly in that fact, Ringo was a true queer, he could never fall in love with a woman. The reason why, Ringo had thought that women were absolutely dumb. Dumb, with their foul perfume and the little demons they call ''pets''.

Despite Ringo's secret hate towards women, he just kept a smile on his face. It had been true that short Ringo was the happiest of all the Beatles.

It was rather dark night over a dark road the short drummer walked on. There were sure to be some burly blokes hiding within the shadows in the alleyways at night, but Ringo didn't fret. After all, he did carry a little special something with him all the time. Ringo sighed once more, he was on his way the bar he wanted to go alone. The silence within the air of the night reigned, and the sound of leaves is what ran Ringo over.Nothing seemed to bother him, not just yet.


The party the other boys were at took place at a different bar other than Ringo was heading to. George sat at the last stool at the bar table while other young blokes just drank hard. The younger guitarist had always thought Ringo was quite weak, but he couldn't that say to his face. George sighed, he turned his head left to find a strangely drunk Paul crouching down with a bottle in his left hand. Oh boy, John must have him drunk, very drunk.

Hmmm, where is John? Shouldn't he be watching that flamboyant drunk Paul?George sighed once more. He turned back around, but he was spooked by a certain John Lennon. John was standing but, he crouched the slightest as he had his chin resting on his palm. George was spooked at first as John smiled his wittiest smile.

''Oh, John you scared me right there,'' George admitted.

John just giggled.

George shrugged, ''Shouldn't you be watching that drunk Paul?''

John quickly perked up and said, ''Oh I'm sure he'll be just fine, just no burly creeps try to pull down his pants. ''he giggled. John looked around the bar as George drank a crystal filled with wine.

''Goodness, Geo where's Ritchie? Shouldn't he be here?'' he asked.

''Well no, he said he wanted to spend some time alone,'' George answered.

''Oh, well where did he say he was going?''John asked.

George began to think that John was suspicious. ''Since when you were concerned about Ritchie?''

John began to grow wide-eyed as he sweated bullets. ''Oh, ho ho, is it me or is the fan here not working?'' John cooed.

As John giggled, George lifted an eyebrow at his ''answer.''

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