Chapter Six

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''I said, put the gun down Ringo.'' Brian admonished as he pointed the sword at him. 

Ringo growled, but then he smiled... smiled evilly. ''Oh how nice to see you Bri, have you come to see... these three maggots fall?'' 

''How could you do this?!'' Brian hissed at Ringo. Brian had already looked around; Paul was chained and not moving, John was the same only he was bleeding from his shoulder, lastly, George was tied up with a long gash on his cheek. 

''After all John, Paul, and George have done for you! AND YOU REPAY THEM LIKE THIS!'' Brian burst with anger as he pointed the sword at the drummer's heart; Ringo immediately tensed. 

It was not because of the long sharp weapon pointed at his heart, it was because Brian had found his box of torture tools... that was hidden in the bushes outside of the house. 

''How did you find that?'' Ringo referred to the sword in Brian's hand. ''Oh, let's just say... I found this sword outside... along with another box, but it was empty...'' Brian chided.

Ringo growled angrily. He immediately pointed his gun at Brian in a fit of rage, Ringo was so angry, he could just destroy everything and everyone with just a blast of his gun.

''DIE!!!'' Ringo screamed. 

''NO!!!'' George screamed at Ringo. 


Another crack came at George's slightly abused face again. 


There was a scream from Brian. ''How...?'' Brian fret as he was falling. ''...could you do this?'' Brian fell; Ringo crackled slightly. 

''You...'' George admonished, with his face still stinging. ''You heartless drummer!'' 

''Shut it!'' Ringo chided him. ''In fact...'' Ringo began to fish for something in his pocket. ''Shut it... forever!'' Ringo had pulled out a syringe... the same syringe filled with poison. 

''Ringo... No!'' George begged as he tried to break free. ''I beg you, please! It doesn't have to be like this!'' But Ringo only smirked as he stood in front of George, with the syringe locked in his right hand; Ringo jabbed two fingers on George's forehead locking his head in place, Ringo placed his other hand holding the syringe on the side of his head, tilting it to the side where it exposed the slightest bit of his neck side. 

Ringo kept on smiling as he placed the tip of the syringe at the side of George's neck; George started to fret, if whatever is in that syringe gets into him, he might die... and by the hands of Ringo! 

George's lips began to quiver, tears were forming out of his eyes, this was it; George was about to die, these were the final moments of his life. 

''Say goodnight, Georgie...'' Ringo chided. Ringo continued to crackle as he slowly started to enter the needle in George's neck; the younger guitarist immediately shut his eyes. Ringo was about to inject the needle of poison when...


A hammer came over his head. Ringo fell to the ground with a thud, and the syringe was flying out of his hand as did.

''What?'' George wondered. He opened one eye, to see Brian... wearing a large metal plate on his chest and a hammer in his right hand. 

''Brian...'' George sniffed. 

Brian had said nothing. He placed two saddened eyes over the drummer's unconscious body. Two hours later, a group of constables and a group of doctors and paramedics came over to the house. The doctors were tending to John's and Paul's wounds, while one constable was questioning George and Brian what happened. 

''Constable, I walked into the shed to find Mr. Richard Starkey beating and tormenting his bandmates.'' Brian had answered the constable's question.

''I see, and how about you Mr. Harrison?'' the man asked as he had a notebook and pen. 

''Mr. Richard Starkey had nearly tried to inject me with some type of needle, he even lashed across my face with a whip.''

''I see.'' the man said as he wrote it down in his notebook. ''Gentlemen, this matter will be discussed once again in court.'' 

''Fine. Good day, sir.'' Brian bid.

''Good day.'' The constable walked away. 

George sighed. ''Ritchie is still out cold.'' Brian placed a hand on his shoulder.

''It was for his own good,'' Brian said. ''Can you imagine if I did not come?''

''Yeah, Ringo would have killed me,'' George said as he turned to Brian. ''But what ogles me' mind is... how did you get back up? Ringo shot you.'' 

''It was a bulletproof metal plate. A good manager always wears one.'' Brian quipped. 


''Hey, if I didn't we wouldn't be here now, would we?'' Brian smirked lightly. 

''Yeah, you're right,'' George admitted. 

''Come, we must look at Ringo. I hope I didn't use too much force with that hammer on him.'' Brian said. 

George sighed. The two men went back outside to the shed. Inside of the shed, the drummer was laying flat on his stomach, then slowly the drummer's eyes started to peer open.

''What? Where am I?'' The drummer questioned. He slowly got on his hands, head-turning slowly to every direction around him. He heard the sound of dogs barking, men talking with one another until he got back upon his knees. What happened? 

''The drummer is awake!'' Ringo heard someone shout. 

''Get him!'' Ringo heard another. 

''What's happening?'' Ringo said, terrified. He heard the sound of feet shuffling behind, and soon found his hands being pulled behind him. 

''HEY!'' the drummer shouted. Ringo immediately felt his wrists restrained by something metal; handcuffs. 

''Richard Lee Starkey Jr.! With the power invested by Scotland Yard, you are hereby under arrest for attempted murder!''

"NO!'' Ringo screamed. He was immediately pulled back by a constable. Brian and George were just running by when Ringo screamed. 

''Officer!'' George called out the officer that was arresting Ringo.

Ringo turned to George and Brian; his blue eyes boiled with anger. ''YOU! YOU'RE THE REASON WHY I'M LIKE THIS!''

''I'm sorry Richard, it was for your good!'' Brian declared. 


''Ringo please!'' George grabbed his shoulders. ''You will deserve it! I know you will!'' 

''Then why am I being taken?!'' Ringo screeched. 

George remained silent. ''As Brian said, it was for your own good...''

''I WILL RIP YOU APART! I'LL REACH IN AND-!'' Ringo was immediately taken away by the constables that came to deal with him. 

A much time later... John and Ringo were tried; Paul, who was in a wheelchair, could not move because he was still healing from the wounds Ringo implanted on him, George, who still had whip marks on his cheek but the pain subsided; Brian was sitting behind. They each had a turn to come up at the stand, they gave their sides of the story, and soon it was decided. ''John Winston Lennon will be hereby sentenced to house arrest for rape, and for Richard Lee Starkey... will be sentenced to the asylum.'' 


Officers immediately came in and took custody of Ringo. Ringo was immediately straight-jacketed, a leather mask was clutched over his face, and drugged as he was driven to the asylum. 

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