Chapter Two

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John was able to take Paul and Ringo home, after the incident that happened in the bar. 

George was still there, and he called them to tell them that he will come back later in the night. As John was struggling to carry Paul up the stairs, Ringo sat down on the couch remembering the awful thoughts he had just committed.

He shot a large burly man down to his death, and he remembered his two friends chasing after him. He can still feel one of them shove their member into his body, oh the pain of it all. But, if it weren't for John's unexpected arrival, he would have been a goner.

Meanwhile, John kicked another door, but it lead to his and Paul's room, where they had most of their fun time together.

''Alright, Macca, you are going to bed,'' John announced as he set Paul on the bed.

Paul moaned, ''John?''

John groaned out of ignorance, ''Good golly, Paul what is it? Do you want me to run you a bath?''

''Where are you going? You're not going back to the bar are you?'' Paul asked as if he were a child.

''No, I'm going to stay here in the house, I'm going to discuss something with Ritchie,'' he said.


With that, John left the room to leave Paul alone.

But as soon as he did, an evil smile came across his face.

''Now it's time,'' he whispered.

He quickly pulled out an old wooden chair from a closet, he placed the headboard underneath the knob, tested it to see if the door could open. The door couldn't budge one bit, which made it even easier.

John was about to get what he wanted.

Ringo was downstairs still sitting on the couch, which his face in his palms. John came down the stairs, still keeping the same evil grin on his face. But once he set his eyes on Ringo, he immediately wiped it off.

Just about he was about to speak up, Ringo said, standing up from the couch, ''I think I'm going to go to bed.'' 

John immediately cursed internally, placing a hand in front of Ringo.

''Ritch, how about we talk about what happened?'' he piped, ''Maybe talking about those two blokes that raped you off your chest?''

Ringo smirked, ''John, really I get that you are trying to be there for me, but, I really want rest.''

''I swear, Rings, maybe you will be less stressed.''

''Thanks, John, but no thanks,'' Ringo said as he walked up the stairs.

As Ringo was about to reach the third stair, John immediately grabbed a lamp from a table, and with a loud ear piercing scream, he violently threw it at the wall.

As soon the drummer heard the guitarist's shrill, he was immediately taken in by fear.

''J-john?!''The drummer squeaked.

The drummer turned around to see an angry John Lennon grabbed him by his shirt collar. John pinned the poor drummer to the wall, as he could feel the drummer's fast heartbeat in the palm of his hand.

''John?!'' Ringo piped, ''You're scaring me! What's wrong?!''

John huffed in and out, with his face streaming with sweat.

He was looking down, and then he back to face Ringo with evil eyes.

''I'll tell you what's wrong, what's wrong is that you're not mine.'' John hissed.

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